Archive for the ‘Supremacism’ Category

The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics

November 7, 2010

Via kenny’s sideshow Thoughts for a Sunday morning

What we call “History” is written by the winners, by the masters of empires, by generals who devastate men’s lands, by the financiers who loot the world’s wealth and subjugate the genius of great scientific and technical inventors, putting it at the service of their economic or military domination.

French philosopher Roger Garaudy has exposed some of the Zionist myths in his book The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics – challenging the official Holocaust story and citing the Jewish role in the western media.

By Roger Garaudy


Part I: Theological Myths

  1. The Myth of the “Promise”: Promised Land or Conquered Land?
    a. In Contemporary Christian Exegesis
    b. In the Prophetic Jewish Exegesis
  2. The Myth of the “Chosen People”
  3. The Myth of Joshua: Ethnic Purification

Part II: The Myths of the 20th Century

  1. The Myth of Zionist Antifascism
  2. The Myth of the Justice of Nuremberg
  3. The Myth of the Holocaust
  4. The Myth of “A Land Without a People for a People Without a Land”

Part III: The Political Use of the Myth

  1. The Israeli-Zionist Lobby in the United States
  2. The Israeli-Zionist Lobby in France
  3. The Myth of the Israeli Miracle: The External Financing of Israel



pdf version

hat tip: Uprooted Palestinians

Posted by kenny’s sideshow at 9:44 AM  

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

>A COLLECTION OF TALMUDIC QUOTES, (KALI YUGA REPORT 101104) – Keep the chosen race pure

November 6, 2010

A COLLECTION OF TALMUDIC QUOTES, (KALI YUGA REPORT 101104) – Keep the chosen race pure

November 5, 2010

Jews must breed with Jews only to keep the chosen race pure or face prison

In Uncategorized on November 4, 2010 by crescentandcross


Oct.16, 2010
“Gentiles need to die….goyim have no place in the world.”
“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world, only to serve the people of Israel…

Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap., We will sit like an effendi and eat!”

The goyim is like a donkey to the Jews, they exist only to serve and are only allowed by G’d to live a long life because they are the beast of burden of the Jews. Were the goyim to stop serving Jews, g-d would end their lives”
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the head of Shas’s Council of Torah Sages and a senior Sephardi adjudicator.


“Every Jew, men and even women and children, brings about the existence of the entire creation, they become masters over the world, and thus every single creation owes them recognition for this good
“Being that through the Jew all beings were created, he therefore becomes the master over all of them” “The Jew is in complete control, particularly over physical matters. The physicality of the world itself has to recognize the good that the Jew has accomplished”
“Through the Jews they came into being, and their true existence is through their unity with the True Being” “Since G-d and the Jews are one, each Jew becomes a True Being, and thus able to bring about all of creation” “He (the Jew) therefore has control over all of creation and not only that, but they owe him thanks and are indeed thankful”

Rebbe Meachem Schneerson, Excerpt of Sicha 21 Elul, 5749


“I am in favor of the Zionist state. I would gladly kill Arabs, even slaughter them. I can’t allow Arab lovers to ruin the perfect life I lead.”…. Eden Abergil – IDF-soldier


‘Talmudism is not a religion at all. It’s a license to lie, cheat, steal, rob, exploit, prostitute, enslave, destroy, torture, murder… as long as the victim is not Jewish. It’s a mental disease somewhere in between bipolar disorder and psychopathy. It’s the membership in a terrorist, satanic cult.’

Andrew Winkler, Editor/Publisher, ZioPedia –

“9/11 was a Mossad operation. Period . . . And the Zionists are playing this as truly an all-or-nothing exercise, because if they lose this one, if the American people ever realize what happened, they’re done.” DR. ALAN N.SABROSKY, FORMER DIRECTOR OF STUDIES AT THE USA ARMY WAR COLLEGE


“Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” Benjamin Netanyahu

A comment made by Netanyahu to Jonathan Pollard (convicted traitor and spy) upon exiting Pollard’s jail cell

. 2009

“The New Testament is a lying, hateful, harmful book — ultimately responsible for the deaths of 6 million Jews in World War II” – ADL Director Abe Foxman

2009 “……The Israeli soldiers shoot with silencers. The bullets from the American M-16 rifles tumble end over end through the children’s slight bodies. Later, in the hospital, I will see the destruction: the stomachs ripped out, the gaping holes in limbs and torsos. Yesterday at this spot the Israelis shot eight young men, six of who were under the age of eighteen. This afternoon they killed an eleven-year-old boy, Ali Murad, and seriously wound four more, three of who are under eighteen. Children have been shot in other conflicts I have covered, but never before have I watched as soldiers enticed children like mice into a trap and murdered them for sport.”



“A Jew is entitled to extract a liver from a goy, if he needs it, for the life of a Jew is more valuable than the life of a goy.” – Rabbi Yitzhak Ginzberg

December 5, 2005
“I’ve checked out the six volumes of Churchill’s Second World War and the statement is quite correct – not a single mention of Nazi ‘gas chambers,’ a ‘genocide’ of the Jews, or of ‘six million’ Jewish victims of the war. Eisenhower’s Crusade in Europe is a book of 559 pages; Churchill’s Second World War totals 4,448 pages; and De Gaulle’s three-volume Mémoires de guerre is 2,054 pages. In this mass of writing, which altogether totals 7,061 pages (not including the introductory parts), published from 1948 to 1959, one will find no mention either of Nazi ‘gas chambers,’ a ‘genocide’ of the Jews, or of ‘six million’ Jewish victims of the war.” Richard Lynn, Professor Emeritus University of Ulster,
October 3, 2001

“Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.”
Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.

April 12, 2001 Exclamation during a sermon preceding the 2001 Passover holiday: “May the Holy Name visit retribution on the Arab heads, and cause their seed to be lost, and annihilate them.” He added: “It is forbidden to have pity on them. We must give them missiles with relish, annihilate them. Evil ones, damnable ones.”
Israeli Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, Ha’aretz

“If the Holocaust can be shown to be a “Zionist myth” the strongest of all weapons in Israel’s propaganda armory collapses.”

Australian Professor W.D. Rubinstein

“If we want to remain alive, we will have to kill and kill and kill. All day, every day. If we don’t kill we will cease to exist.” -Israeli Prof. Arnon Sofer of Haifa University, Jerusalem Post


It’s now official – there’s no actual shortage of Holocaust survivors. ‘The Israeli Prime Minister’s office recently put the number of “living Holocaust survivors” at nearly a million’.

Extract from The Holocaust Industry by Norman G. Finkelstein of the City University of New York, published by Verso, London and New York, 2000, p.83. (a miracle : ONE MILLION were still alive after 55 years !!)
Feb 1994

“One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail.”

–Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, Feb. 27, 1994
April 1983

“We declare openly that the Arabs have no right to settle on even one centimeter of Eretz Israel…Force is all they do or ever will understand. We shall use the ultimate force until the Palestinians come crawling to us on all fours.”

-Rafael Eitan, chief of staff of the Israel Defense Forces, quoted in Yediot Ahronot, April 13, 1983, and The New York Times, April 14, 1983.
June 25, 1982
“[The Palestinians] are beasts walking on two legs.”
Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, speech to the Knesset, quoted in Amnon Kapeliouk, “Begin and the ‘Beasts,”‘ New Statesman, June 25,1982.

I encourage my soldiers to rape Arabic girls, since the Palestinian woman is a slave for the Jews and we do whatever we want to her and nobody tells us what we shall do but we tell others what they shall do.”
— Ariel Sharon

September 1974

«The Greek people are anarchic and difficult to tame. For this reason we must strike deep into their cultural roots: Perhaps then we can force them to conform. I mean, of course, to strike at their language, their religion, their cultural and historical reserves, so that we can neutralize their ability to develop, to distinguish themselves, or to prevail; thereby removing them as an obstacle to our strategically vital plans in the Balkans, the Mediterranean, and the Middle East» – – Henry Kissinger, quotation from his speach in Washington, September 1974.


“[T]here may be some truth in that if the Arabs have some complaints about my policy towards Israel, they have to realize that the Jews in the U. S. control the entire information and propaganda machine, the large newspapers, the motion pictures, radio and television, and the big companies, and there is a force that we have to take into consideration.” —Richard Milhouse Nixon, Thirty-Seventh President of the United States of America, as quoted by Leonard Dinnerstein, Antisemitism in America, Oxford University Press, New York, (1994), pp. 232-233.


For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.” John Fitzgerald Kennedy


Forbid the Whites to mate with Whites. The White Women must cohabit with members of the dark races, the White Men with black women. Thus the White Race will disappear, for the mixing of the dark with the White means the end of the White Man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark peoples. We will, however, retain the rituals and customs of Judaism as the mark of our hereditary ruling caste, strengthening our racial laws so that no Jew will be allowed to marry outside our race, nor will any stranger be accepted by us. Rabbi Rabbinovitch at a special meeting of the emergency council of European Rabbis in Budapest on January 12th 1952
January 12th 1952
The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach and because its fulfillment is so apparent, it behooves us to increase our efforts and our caution tenfold. I can safely promise you that before ten years have passed, our race will take its rightful place in the world, with every Jew a king and every Gentile a slave. (Applause from the gathering). Rabbi Rabbinovitch at a special meeting of the emergency council of European Rabbis in Budapest
July 18, 1948

“We must do everything to ensure they [the Palestinian refugees] never do return.”

-David Ben-Gurion, in his diary, July 18, 1948, quoted in Michael Bar Zohar’s “Ben-Gurion: the Armed Prophet,” Prentice-Hall, 1967, p. 157.

The death camps of Ike – Dwight Eisenhower, The Terrible Swedish Jew (as he was called at the Military Academy)- along the Rhine. Eisenhower was a zionist, a war crinimal, a racist and a slaughterer of innocents! – the first thing the ‘Amis’ (Americans) did – they liberated us, I mean, from our few valuables, mainly rings and watches…….. ; – Here, in freezing temperature, 20,000 of us were squeezed together on the naked ground, without blanket or cover, exposed day and night to the winter weather ; – For six days we received neither food nor water! We used our spoons to catch drops of rain ; – German civilians, mainly women of the surrounding villages, tried to approach the camp to bring food and water for us prisoners. They were chased away ; – But when the Germans asked the Americans for permission to bring the Hungarians’ leftovers into the camps of the starving Germans, it was denied. The Americans rather destroyed surplus food, than giving it to the Germans.


”Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.” Menachem Begin (Israeli Prime
Minister, 1977-1983), excerpt from LEHI (the terrorist Stern Gang) training pamphlet, circa 1946, shortly before the organization began a series of murders of unarmed opponents of the establishment of the Jewish state of Israel.

“… we Jews, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever … nothing that the Gentiles will do will meet our needs and demands.” Mr. Maurice Samuel, Jewish writer.
June 1, 1928

“The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. It will attain world domination by the dissolution of other races…and by the establishment of a world republic in which everywhere the Jews will exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order the Children of Israel…will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition…” (Karl Marx in a letter to Baruch Levy, quoted in Review de Paris, June 1, 1928, p. 574)


“Some of the biggest men in the United States are afraid of something. They know there is a power somewhere, so organised, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

US-president Woodrow Wilson

Dec. 12, 2001

In 1923, radical Zionist Ze’ev Jabotinsky— spiritual father of not only of Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin but of Brooklyn Rabbi Meir Kahane– wrote that the “sole way” for Jews to deal with Arabs in Palestine was through “total avoidance of all attempts to arrive at a settlement”-which Jabotinsky euphemistically termed the “iron wall” approach. Not coincidentally, a picture of Jabotinsky graces Prime Minister Ariel Sharon‘s desk. Source: The Village Voice, “Death Wish in the Holy Land,”

“We will establish ourselves in Palestine whether you like it or not…You can hasten our arrival or you can equally retard it. It is however better for you to help us so as to avoid our constructive powers being turned into a destructive power which will overthrow the world.” Chaim Weizmann “Judische Rundschau” No. 4, 1920 (Hitler knew Chaim Weizmann personally, of course this is sheer coincidence).

10, Sept. 1920

“The bolshevik Revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish planning and Jewish dissatisfaction. Our Plan is to have a New world Order. What worked so wonderfully in Russia, is going to become Reality for the whole world.” The American Hebrew Magazine

October 1918
Out of 388 members of the Bolshewik revolutionary government only 16 happened to be real Russians. All the rest were Jews (371) with the exception of one negro (1). Many of these Jews came from the Lower East Side of New York.” Dr. Fahey in ”The Rulers Of Russia”


BY MEANS OF TERROR “We must turn Russia into a desert populated by white negroes upon whom we shall impose a tyranny such as the most terrible Eastern despots never dreamt of. The only difference is that this will be a left-wing tyranny, not a right-wing tyranny. It will be a red tyranny and not a white one. “We mean the word ‘red’ literally, because we shall shed such floods of blood as will make all the human losses suffered in the capitalist wars quake and pale by comparison. The biggest bankers across the ocean will work in the closest possible contact with us. If we win the revolution, we shall establish the power of Zionism upon the wreckage of the revolution’s funeral, and we shall became a power before which the whole world will sink to its knees. We shall show what real power is. By means of terror and bloodbaths, we shall reduce the Russian intelligentsia to a state of complete stupefaction and idiocy and to an animal existence… At the moment, our young men in their leather jackets, who are the sons of watchmakers from Odessa, Orsha, Gomel and Vinnitsa, know how to hate everything Russian! What pleasure they take in physically destroying the Russian intelligentsia – officers, academics and writers!…” Leyba Davidovich Trotsky, whose real name was David Bronstein, taken from the “Memoirs” of Aron Simanovich, a jeweller at the court of the Tsar’s Imperial Majesty.

July 1, 1880 “We shall drive the Christians into war by exploiting their national vanity and stupidity. They will then massacre each other, thus giving room for our own people.” Rabbi Reichorn


”Thanks to the terrible power of our International Banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number.
Wars have a special value for Jews, since Christians massacre each other and make more room for us Jews.
Wars are the Jews’ Harvest, the Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars.
Over one hundred million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet”. Rabbi Reichorn at the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Iudah in 1869.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

>Gilad Atzmon: Zionist Tolerance For a Change

October 31, 2010


Friday, October 29, 2010 at 8:24PM Gilad Atzmon
‘Jewish left’ is basically an oxymoron. It is a contradiction in terms, because ‘Jewishness’ is a tribal ideology, whilst ‘the left’ are traditionally understood as aspiring to universalism.
On the face of it, the ‘Jewish left’ is, at least categorically, no different from Israel or Zionism: after all, it is an attempt to form yet another ‘Jews only political club’. And as far as the Palestinian solidarity movement is concerned, its role is subject to a growing debate — For on the one hand, one can see the political benefit of pointing at a very few ‘good Jews’, and emphasizing that there are Jews who ‘oppose Zionism as Jews’. Yet on the other hand, however, accepting the legitimacy of such a racially orientated political affair, is in itself, an acceptance of yet another form, or manifestation of Zionism, for Zionism claims that Jews are primarily Jewish, and had better operate politically as Jews(1).
To a certain extent then, it is clear that Jewish anti Zionism, is, in itself, still just another form of Zionism.
‘Jewish dissidence’ has two main roles: First, it attempts to depict and bolster a positive image of Jews in general (2). Second, it is there to silence and obscure any attempts on the part of the outsider to grasp the meaning of Jewish identity and Jewish politics within the machinations of the Jewish state. It is also there to stop elements in this movement from elaborating on the crucial role of Jewish lobbying.
The Jewish Left is there then, to mute any possible criticism of Jewish politics within the wider Left movements. It is there to stop the Goyim from looking into Jewish affairs.
A decade ago I met the Kosher dissident brigade for the first time — As soon as I started to express criticism of Israel and Zionism — they started to bounce around me.
For a short while, I fitted nicely into their discourse : I was young and energetic. I was an award winning musician, as well as a promising writer. In their eyes I was a celebrity, or at least a good reason to celebrate. Their chief commissars reserved the best, and most expensive dining tables ahead of my Orient House’s Ensemble concerts. The five grass-root penniless activists, followed the trend and came to my free stage Jazz Combo afternoon concerts in the Barbican Centre’s Foyer. They all wanted to believe that I would follow their agenda, and become a commissar myself.
They were also very quick to preach to me who were the ‘bad guys’, those who should be burnt in hell: Israel Shahak, Paul Eisen, Israel Shamir and Otto Weininger were just a few amongst the many baddies. As one may guess by now, it didn’t take me too long to admit to myself that there was more wisdom in a single sentence by Eisen, Weininger, Shahak or Shamir than in the entire work of the Jewish Left put together.
I was quick to make it clear to my new ‘Red’ fans that it was not going to work : I was an ex-Israeli, and I no longer regarded myself as a Jew any more. I shared nothing with them and I did not believe in their agenda. Indeed, I had left Israel because I wanted to drift as far away as I could from any form of tribal politics.
Paddling in chicken soup has never been my thing.
Naturally, I bought myself at least a half a dozen enemies, and they were quick to run a campaign against me. They tried to silence me; they desperately ( and hopelessly ) tried to wreck my music career; they mounted pressure on political institutions, media outlets, and music venues. One of them even tried to drag me to court.
But they failed all the way through and they failed on every possible level. The more pressure they mounted, the more people read my writing. At a certain point, people around me were convinced that my detractors were actually running my PR campaign. Moreover, the relentless attempts to silence me could only prove my point. They were there to divert attention away from the crucial role of Jewish politics and Jewish identity politics.
I have asked myself often enough — how is it that they failed with me? But I guess that the same internet that successfully defeated Israeli Hasbara, has also defeated the Jewish left and its hegemony within the movement. In the wider scheme of things, it is totally obvious how marginal the Jewish Marxist discourse is. Its voice within the dissident movement is, in actuality, insignificant.
I guess also, that the fact that I am a popular Jazz artist didn’t make life easy for them — At the time those Jewish commissars labeled me as a racist and an anti Semite, I was touring around the world with two ex Israeli Jews, an Argentinean Jew, a Romanian Gipsy and a Palestinian Oud player. It just couldn’t work for them, and it didn’t.
But here is an interesting twist : In comparison with the contemporaneous Jewish Red terror, Zionism comes across as a relatively tolerant endeavour. In recent months I have been approached by every possible Israeli media outlet. In the summer, Ouvda, the leading Israeli investigative TV show asked repeatedly to join with me and my band on the road. They were interested to launch a debate, and to discuss my ideas in prime time. This week, The Israeli Second Channel approached me for a news item. Again, they were interested in my views. Yesterday, I discussed my views for an hour with Guy Elhanan on Israel’s ‘Kol ha-shalom’ (Voice of Peace).
For the most obvious of reasons, I am very cautious when dealing with the Israeli media. I choose my outlets very carefully. I usually tend to refuse. But, I also accept that as a person who cares about the prospect of peace I must keep an open channel with the Israeli public, and two weeks ago I agreed to be interviewed by Haaretz writer,Yaron Frid. This was my first published interview in Israel for more than a decade.
I must admit that I was shocked to find out that not a single word of mine had been removed or censored. Haaretz let me say everything that the Kosher ‘Socialists’ had consistently tried to stop me from saying.
On my ‘self-hatred’ and Jewishness the Israeli paper Haaretz let me say :
“I am not a nice Jew, because I don’t want to be a Jew, because Jewish values don’t really turn me on and all this ‘Pour out Thy wrath on the nations’ stuff doesn’t impress me.”
It also let me question the entire Zionist ethos; the reality of plunder and deluded historicism : “Why do I live on lands that are not mine, the plundered lands of another people whose owners want to return to them but cannot? Why do I send my children to kill and be killed, after I myself was a soldier, too? Why do I believe all this bullshit about ‘because it’s the land of our forefathers’ and ‘our patrimony’ if I am not even religious?
And about Palestinians’ right of return, I said : “The Israelis can put an end to the conflict in two fucking minutes. Netanyahu gets up tomorrow morning, returns to the Palestinians the lands that belong to them.”
They let me express how I would differentiate between, and define Israel and Palestine: “Palestine is the land and Israel is the state. It took me time to realize that Israel was never my home, but only a fantasy saturated in blood and sweat.”
About chosen-ness, de-Judification and Jewish identity I said, “for Netanyahu and the Israelis to do that (accept the Palestinian right of return), they have to undergo de-Judaization and accept the fact that they are like all peoples and are not the chosen people. So, in my analysis this is not a political, sociopolitical or socioeconomic issue but something basic that has to do with Jewish identity.”
And in the interview I compared Jewish left with National Socialism — And Haaretz’s editorial let it through: “The idea of left-wing Jews is fundamentally sickening. It contains an absolute internal contradiction. If you are leftists it doesn’t matter whether you’re Jewish or not, so on principle when you present yourselves as leftist Jews you are accepting the idea of national socialism. Nazism.”
Haaretz, as could be expected, challenged my opposition to Jewish politics : “Atzmon has been accused from every possible platform of disseminating vitriol against Jews. He, though, maintains that he ‘hates everyone in equal measure.’ He’s also been accused of self-hatred, but he is the first to admit this, and in comparison with Otto Weininger – the Austrian Jewish philosopher who converted to Christianity and of whom Hitler said, ‘There was one good Jew in Germany, and he killed himself’ – he is even proud. ‘Otto and I are good friends.’”
But clearly, at least Israelis can cope with Otto Weininger and his ideology. However — when I gave a talk about Otto Weininger in a London Marxist book shop five years ago (Bookmarks), a ‘synagogue’ of fourteen Jewish Marxists unsuccessfully tried to picket the event and to pressure the SWP into submission.
Guess what; they failed.
Haaretz challenged my take on the Holocaust; yet it printed my answer without changing a single word. “I am fighting against all the disgusting laws and persecutions of those so-called Holocaust deniers – a categorization I don’t accept. I think the Holocaust, like any historical episode, must be open to research, to examination, to discussion and debate.”
And Haaretz, evidently an Israeli Zionist paper, let me express my thoughts about Israeli mass murderers and their destiny. “It might be a good thing if the Nazi hunters hunt down [Shaul] Mofaz and [Ehud] Barak, for example, and not all kinds of 96-year-olds who are barely alive. It’s pathetic.”
It also let me tell Israelis that they are all to be blamed : “In Israel 94 percent of the nation supported Operation Cast Lead. On the one hand, you want to behave like a post-enlightenment state and talk to me about individualism, but on the other hand you surround yourselves with a wall and remain attached to a tribal identity.”
Yaron Frid ended his piece saying, “Israel lost Gilad,” and, “The score, for now: 1-0, Palestine leading.”
I was happy with the article. But I was also jealous. For here in Britain, we are still far from being free to explore these issues.
The message here is plain and simple — Haaretz, a Zionist paper, has let me discuss all those intellectual avenues that ‘the Kosher Socialists’ insist on blocking. A week before my Haaretz special, the Israeli paper featured Mavi Marmara hero Ken O’keefe. Again, Haaretz coverage was fairly balanced; certainly more balanced than BBC Panorama.
The moral is clear : As much as Zionism is repugnant and murderous — it is still way ahead of the Jewish Left , simply because it is still, in some regards at least, part of an ongoing and open discourse.
There is no doubt that amongst the most prolific enemies of Israel and Jewish identity, you will find Israelis and ex Israelis, such as Ilan Pappe, Gideon Levi, Amira Hass, Tali Fahima, Israel Shamir, Israel Shahak, Nurit Peled , Rami Elhanan Guy Elhanan, Jonathan Shapira, Yeshayahu Leibowitz, Mordechai Vanunu, Uri Avneri, Shimon Tzabar, myself, and others.
We may not always agree with each other — but we let each other be.
Zionism was an attempt to bring about a new Jew: an ethical, productive and authentic being. But Zionism failed all the way through. Israel is a criminal state, and the Israelis are collectively complicit in relentless crimes against humanity. And yet, Zionism has also succeeded in erecting a solid school of eloquent and proud ‘self haters’. Israelis are taught to be outspoken and critical. Unlike the Diaspora Jewish left, that for some reason, operates as a thought-police, Israeli dissidence speaks out. Israelis are trained to celebrate their ‘symptoms’ — and this also applies in the case of dissidence.
Unlike Jewish Marxism that operates largely as a tribal PR campaign, Israeli dissidence is an ethical approach : You wouldn’t hear Israeli activists shouting ‘not in my name’. The Israelis mentioned above do accept that each Israeli crime is committed in their names. They also accept that activism is the crucial shift from guilt into responsibility. Hence, it is also far from surprising that on the ‘Jewish Boat to Gaza’ mission, the Israeli veteran AIF pilot Shapira and also Elahanan, both spoke about ethics and humanitarian issues, while the British Jew, Kuper, was apparently, judging from his words, perhaps more concerned with the amendment of the image of world Jewry.
Being an ex Israeli, I believe that the only thing I can do for Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, myself, my family, my neighbours and humanity — is to stand firm and speak my heart against all odds.
I also believe that we all know the truth.
We just need to be courageous enough to spit it out.
(1) As bizarre as it may sound to some, ‘Jews Against Zionists’ (JAZ) and ‘Jews for BDS’ (Boycott of Divestment of Israeli Goods) do affirm the Zionist mantra : They operate, primarily, as Jews. As much as it is impossible for uprooted Palestinians to settle in Israel and become a citizen with equal civil rights — it is also impossible for them to join any of the primarily Jewish groups for Palestine.

(2) Richard Kuper, the person behind ‘Irene-the Jewish Boat to Gaza’, was bold enough to admit it — “Our goal is to show that not all Jews support Israeli policies toward Palestinians,” he said. It is now an established fact that the Jewish boat carried hardly any humanitarian aid for the Gazans : its main mission, as far as Kuper was concerned, seems to have been to amend Jewish reputation.I have spent the last ten years elaborating on Jewish national ideology and tribal politics. During my journey of grasping what Zionism and Israel stand for, I came to realize that it is actually the Jewish left — and Jewish Marxists in particular — that provide us with an adequate glimpse into contemporary Jewish identity, tribal supremacy, marginal politics and tribalism.

Gilad Atzmon: Zionist Tolerance For a Change

October 30, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010 at 8:24PM Gilad Atzmon
‘Jewish left’ is basically an oxymoron. It is a contradiction in terms, because ‘Jewishness’ is a tribal ideology, whilst ‘the left’ are traditionally understood as aspiring to universalism.
On the face of it, the ‘Jewish left’ is, at least categorically, no different from Israel or Zionism: after all, it is an attempt to form yet another ‘Jews only political club’. And as far as the Palestinian solidarity movement is concerned, its role is subject to a growing debate — For on the one hand, one can see the political benefit of pointing at a very few ‘good Jews’, and emphasizing that there are Jews who ‘oppose Zionism as Jews’. Yet on the other hand, however, accepting the legitimacy of such a racially orientated political affair, is in itself, an acceptance of yet another form, or manifestation of Zionism, for Zionism claims that Jews are primarily Jewish, and had better operate politically as Jews(1).

To a certain extent then, it is clear that Jewish anti Zionism, is, in itself, still just another form of Zionism.
‘Jewish dissidence’ has two main roles: First, it attempts to depict and bolster a positive image of Jews in general (2). Second, it is there to silence and obscure any attempts on the part of the outsider to grasp the meaning of Jewish identity and Jewish politics within the machinations of the Jewish state. It is also there to stop elements in this movement from elaborating on the crucial role of Jewish lobbying.
The Jewish Left is there then, to mute any possible criticism of Jewish politics within the wider Left movements. It is there to stop the Goyim from looking into Jewish affairs.
A decade ago I met the Kosher dissident brigade for the first time — As soon as I started to express criticism of Israel and Zionism — they started to bounce around me.
For a short while, I fitted nicely into their discourse : I was young and energetic. I was an award winning musician, as well as a promising writer. In their eyes I was a celebrity, or at least a good reason to celebrate. Their chief commissars reserved the best, and most expensive dining tables ahead of my Orient House’s Ensemble concerts. The five grass-root penniless activists, followed the trend and came to my free stage Jazz Combo afternoon concerts in the Barbican Centre’s Foyer. They all wanted to believe that I would follow their agenda, and become a commissar myself.
They were also very quick to preach to me who were the ‘bad guys’, those who should be burnt in hell: Israel Shahak, Paul Eisen, Israel Shamir and Otto Weininger were just a few amongst the many baddies. As one may guess by now, it didn’t take me too long to admit to myself that there was more wisdom in a single sentence by Eisen, Weininger, Shahak or Shamir than in the entire work of the Jewish Left put together.
I was quick to make it clear to my new ‘Red’ fans that it was not going to work : I was an ex-Israeli, and I no longer regarded myself as a Jew any more. I shared nothing with them and I did not believe in their agenda. Indeed, I had left Israel because I wanted to drift as far away as I could from any form of tribal politics.
Paddling in chicken soup has never been my thing.
Naturally, I bought myself at least a half a dozen enemies, and they were quick to run a campaign against me. They tried to silence me; they desperately ( and hopelessly ) tried to wreck my music career; they mounted pressure on political institutions, media outlets, and music venues. One of them even tried to drag me to court.
But they failed all the way through and they failed on every possible level. The more pressure they mounted, the more people read my writing. At a certain point, people around me were convinced that my detractors were actually running my PR campaign. Moreover, the relentless attempts to silence me could only prove my point. They were there to divert attention away from the crucial role of Jewish politics and Jewish identity politics.
I have asked myself often enough — how is it that they failed with me? But I guess that the same internet that successfully defeated Israeli Hasbara, has also defeated the Jewish left and its hegemony within the movement. In the wider scheme of things, it is totally obvious how marginal the Jewish Marxist discourse is. Its voice within the dissident movement is, in actuality, insignificant.
I guess also, that the fact that I am a popular Jazz artist didn’t make life easy for them — At the time those Jewish commissars labeled me as a racist and an anti Semite, I was touring around the world with two ex Israeli Jews, an Argentinean Jew, a Romanian Gipsy and a Palestinian Oud player. It just couldn’t work for them, and it didn’t.
But here is an interesting twist : In comparison with the contemporaneous Jewish Red terror, Zionism comes across as a relatively tolerant endeavour. In recent months I have been approached by every possible Israeli media outlet. In the summer, Ouvda, the leading Israeli investigative TV show asked repeatedly to join with me and my band on the road. They were interested to launch a debate, and to discuss my ideas in prime time. This week, The Israeli Second Channel approached me for a news item. Again, they were interested in my views. Yesterday, I discussed my views for an hour with Guy Elhanan on Israel’s ‘Kol ha-shalom’ (Voice of Peace).
For the most obvious of reasons, I am very cautious when dealing with the Israeli media. I choose my outlets very carefully. I usually tend to refuse. But, I also accept that as a person who cares about the prospect of peace I must keep an open channel with the Israeli public, and two weeks ago I agreed to be interviewed by Haaretz writer,Yaron Frid. This was my first published interview in Israel for more than a decade.
I must admit that I was shocked to find out that not a single word of mine had been removed or censored. Haaretz let me say everything that the Kosher ‘Socialists’ had consistently tried to stop me from saying.
On my ‘self-hatred’ and Jewishness the Israeli paper Haaretz let me say :
“I am not a nice Jew, because I don’t want to be a Jew, because Jewish values don’t really turn me on and all this ‘Pour out Thy wrath on the nations’ stuff doesn’t impress me.”
It also let me question the entire Zionist ethos; the reality of plunder and deluded historicism : “Why do I live on lands that are not mine, the plundered lands of another people whose owners want to return to them but cannot? Why do I send my children to kill and be killed, after I myself was a soldier, too? Why do I believe all this bullshit about ‘because it’s the land of our forefathers’ and ‘our patrimony’ if I am not even religious?

And about Palestinians’ right of return, I said : “The Israelis can put an end to the conflict in two fucking minutes. Netanyahu gets up tomorrow morning, returns to the Palestinians the lands that belong to them.”
They let me express how I would differentiate between, and define Israel and Palestine: “Palestine is the land and Israel is the state. It took me time to realize that Israel was never my home, but only a fantasy saturated in blood and sweat.”
About chosen-ness, de-Judification and Jewish identity I said, “for Netanyahu and the Israelis to do that (accept the Palestinian right of return), they have to undergo de-Judaization and accept the fact that they are like all peoples and are not the chosen people. So, in my analysis this is not a political, sociopolitical or socioeconomic issue but something basic that has to do with Jewish identity.”
And in the interview I compared Jewish left with National Socialism — And Haaretz’s editorial let it through: “The idea of left-wing Jews is fundamentally sickening. It contains an absolute internal contradiction. If you are leftists it doesn’t matter whether you’re Jewish or not, so on principle when you present yourselves as leftist Jews you are accepting the idea of national socialism. Nazism.”
Haaretz, as could be expected, challenged my opposition to Jewish politics : “Atzmon has been accused from every possible platform of disseminating vitriol against Jews. He, though, maintains that he ‘hates everyone in equal measure.’ He’s also been accused of self-hatred, but he is the first to admit this, and in comparison with Otto Weininger – the Austrian Jewish philosopher who converted to Christianity and of whom Hitler said, ‘There was one good Jew in Germany, and he killed himself’ – he is even proud. ‘Otto and I are good friends.’”
But clearly, at least Israelis can cope with Otto Weininger and his ideology. However — when I gave a talk about Otto Weininger in a London Marxist book shop five years ago (Bookmarks), a ‘synagogue’ of fourteen Jewish Marxists unsuccessfully tried to picket the event and to pressure the SWP into submission.
Guess what; they failed.
Haaretz challenged my take on the Holocaust; yet it printed my answer without changing a single word. “I am fighting against all the disgusting laws and persecutions of those so-called Holocaust deniers – a categorization I don’t accept. I think the Holocaust, like any historical episode, must be open to research, to examination, to discussion and debate.”
And Haaretz, evidently an Israeli Zionist paper, let me express my thoughts about Israeli mass murderers and their destiny. “It might be a good thing if the Nazi hunters hunt down [Shaul] Mofaz and [Ehud] Barak, for example, and not all kinds of 96-year-olds who are barely alive. It’s pathetic.”
It also let me tell Israelis that they are all to be blamed : “In Israel 94 percent of the nation supported Operation Cast Lead. On the one hand, you want to behave like a post-enlightenment state and talk to me about individualism, but on the other hand you surround yourselves with a wall and remain attached to a tribal identity.”
Yaron Frid ended his piece saying, “Israel lost Gilad,” and, “The score, for now: 1-0, Palestine leading.”
I was happy with the article. But I was also jealous. For here in Britain, we are still far from being free to explore these issues.
The message here is plain and simple — Haaretz, a Zionist paper, has let me discuss all those intellectual avenues that ‘the Kosher Socialists’ insist on blocking. A week before my Haaretz special, the Israeli paper featured Mavi Marmara hero Ken O’keefe. Again, Haaretz coverage was fairly balanced; certainly more balanced than BBC Panorama.
The moral is clear : As much as Zionism is repugnant and murderous — it is still way ahead of the Jewish Left , simply because it is still, in some regards at least, part of an ongoing and open discourse.
There is no doubt that amongst the most prolific enemies of Israel and Jewish identity, you will find Israelis and ex Israelis, such as Ilan Pappe, Gideon Levi, Amira Hass, Tali Fahima, Israel Shamir, Israel Shahak, Nurit Peled , Rami Elhanan Guy Elhanan, Jonathan Shapira, Yeshayahu Leibowitz, Mordechai Vanunu, Uri Avneri, Shimon Tzabar, myself, and others.
We may not always agree with each other — but we let each other be.
Zionism was an attempt to bring about a new Jew: an ethical, productive and authentic being. But Zionism failed all the way through. Israel is a criminal state, and the Israelis are collectively complicit in relentless crimes against humanity. And yet, Zionism has also succeeded in erecting a solid school of eloquent and proud ‘self haters’. Israelis are taught to be outspoken and critical. Unlike the Diaspora Jewish left, that for some reason, operates as a thought-police, Israeli dissidence speaks out. Israelis are trained to celebrate their ‘symptoms’ — and this also applies in the case of dissidence.
Unlike Jewish Marxism that operates largely as a tribal PR campaign, Israeli dissidence is an ethical approach : You wouldn’t hear Israeli activists shouting ‘not in my name’. The Israelis mentioned above do accept that each Israeli crime is committed in their names. They also accept that activism is the crucial shift from guilt into responsibility. Hence, it is also far from surprising that on the ‘Jewish Boat to Gaza’ mission, the Israeli veteran AIF pilot Shapira and also Elahanan, both spoke about ethics and humanitarian issues, while the British Jew, Kuper, was apparently, judging from his words, perhaps more concerned with the amendment of the image of world Jewry.
Being an ex Israeli, I believe that the only thing I can do for Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, myself, my family, my neighbours and humanity — is to stand firm and speak my heart against all odds.
I also believe that we all know the truth.
We just need to be courageous enough to spit it out.
(1) As bizarre as it may sound to some, ‘Jews Against Zionists’ (JAZ) and ‘Jews for BDS’ (Boycott of Divestment of Israeli Goods) do affirm the Zionist mantra : They operate, primarily, as Jews. As much as it is impossible for uprooted Palestinians to settle in Israel and become a citizen with equal civil rights — it is also impossible for them to join any of the primarily Jewish groups for Palestine.

(2) Richard Kuper, the person behind ‘Irene-the Jewish Boat to Gaza’, was bold enough to admit it — “Our goal is to show that not all Jews support Israeli policies toward Palestinians,” he said. It is now an established fact that the Jewish boat carried hardly any humanitarian aid for the Gazans : its main mission, as far as Kuper was concerned, seems to have been to amend Jewish reputation.I have spent the last ten years elaborating on Jewish national ideology and tribal politics. During my journey of grasping what Zionism and Israel stand for, I came to realize that it is actually the Jewish left — and Jewish Marxists in particular — that provide us with an adequate glimpse into contemporary Jewish identity, tribal supremacy, marginal politics and tribalism.

>Nullification of the "Chosen Ones"

October 28, 2010


kenny’s sideshow

Archbishop Cyrille Salim Butros of Newton, Mass,  the leader of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church in the U.S., has caused a little ‘spat’ in Catholic and Jewish relations by remarks made at a Vatican meeting of Middle Eastern bishops.

Unless I’m mistaken, until the jewish creation of “christian zionism’ what Butros said was standard Christian theology.

Basically  it’s that Jesus’ teachings nullified the concept of the ‘chosen ones’ and introduced the novel idea that everyone is equal. It was out with the old and in the new. Jewish supremacists don’t like that kind of talk so they had the ADL’s hatchet man Abe Foxman do what he’s paid to do … attack.

Butros said: “We Christians cannot speak of the ‘promised land’ as an exclusive right for a privileged Jewish people,” adding: “This promise was nullified by Christ. There is no longer a chosen people – all men and women of all countries have become the chosen people.” and  In number eight of the Message, we say that we cannot resort to theological and Biblical assumptions as a tool to justify injustice. We want to say that the promise of God in the Old Testament, relating to the ‘promised land’ … as Christians, we’re saying that this promise was essentially nullified [in French, “abolished”] by the presence of Jesus Christ, who then brought about the Kingdom of God.

As Christians, we cannot talk about a ‘promised land’ for the Jews. We talk about a ‘promised land’ which is the Kingdom of God. That’s the promised land, which encompasses the entire earth with a message of peace and justice and equality for all the children of God. There is no preferred or privileged people. All men and women from every country have become the ‘chosen people.’ This is clear for us. We cannot just refer to the ‘promised land’ to justify the return of the Jews in Israel, and [ignore] the Palestinians who were kicked out of their land. Five million Jews kicked out three or four million Palestinians from their land, and this is not justifiable.

There’s no ‘chosen people’ any longer for Christians. Everybody is the ‘chosen people.’ What we say is something political. Sacred scripture should not be used to justify the occupation of Palestinian land on the part of the Israelis. {more}

Shocking, outrageous and anti-jewish whines Foxman.

“By stating that God’s Covenantal promise of land to the Jewish people, “was nullified by Christ” and that “there is no longer a chosen people,” Archbishop Bustros is effectively stating that Judaism should no longer exist. This represents the worst kind of anti-Judaism, bordering on anti-Semitism.”

Foxman twists words to fit his agenda.  Bustros wasn’t implying that judaism shouldn’t exist but more like Helen Thomas would say, “Just get the hell out of Palestine.”  And stop with that “god gave us Israel” bull. It seems Bustros makes a whole lot more sense if you’re looking for peace than the fat Foxman apologist for zionist land theft, genocide and a myriad of criminal activities. But the Catholic Church will dance around this issue, the jews will continue to bitch about anyone who questions their ‘chosen’ status and Palestinians will pay the price by being forced from more of their land and languishing in the prison of Gaza.

Most so called “Christians” will remain silent.

Posted by kenny’s sideshow at 10:59 PM

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian


October 28, 2010


October 27, 2010 posted by Gordon Duff ·
By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor
“The age of openness and freedom we were promised is a lie, we live in darkness, censorship, we live under dictatorship as pure as any Orwell could have imagined. The slaves of slaves tell other slaves they aren’t slaves.  We have redefined freedom, we have redefined human endeavor by based on a model that even insects would reject, the instincts for survival of the hive overriding the drive toward mindless self destruction.”
A good question to ask,

“Is anything happening today, perhaps an election, a war, a conference, the Gaza investigation Israel is subjecting itself to, perhaps some religious synod or the great awakening of guilt brought on by this weeks ‘Wikileak,” is any of it going to stop this feeling that humanity is failing?”

The institutions developed during the Renaissance and Age of Reason, the great universities, the press, the dissent of science and the war on religious hypocrisy are now only a memory. 

Rabbi’s call for enslavement of mankind under a Jewish “master race,” preachers in America reach millions with messages of hate, fear and destruction and the ignorant and cynical of Islam’s dregs, powered by petro-dollars spew hatred and dogma to deflect yearnings for freedom and progress.

The freedoms promised at the end of World War II with the establishment of the United Nations and and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights have, not only not come to pass, we now live in a world where such concepts are now considered a joke. The press, the only institution capable of standing up to dictatorship has now become, not only the “velvet glove” disguising the mailed fist but something far more insidious. 

The melding of information and entertainment, called “infotainment” has become the greatest assault on rational thought, cultural development and human dignity since the darkest days of early Catholicism.  Every word is carefully gauged to create feelings of powerlessness, mistrust in institutions and yet, conversely, push forward an agenda of sheepish compliance and dependence in things known,  either overtly or “in the heart” to be false, even evil. Everything is about control of information.  This sounds innocent.  We once called it propaganda and, on occasion, when pointing fingers at others, even used the term “thought control.”  It is now more, much more. 

Reality cannot exist when it is defined through media.  Reality is scripted, events are scripted.  Wars no longer are started by hatreds of ill conceived alliances, they are simply written and acted out. Everything that happens, terror attacks, invasions, everything is defined, scripted and acted out.  There is no winning or losing, casualties no longer matter, there are no victors only those who profit and those who pay. The term “Orwellian” is far from adequate. 

We are certainly creating a “new man” but more in the mode of William Shockley.  Rather than the “inferior” breeding themselves back to the stone age, we could easily surmise that those dependent on, not only “information” but the cultural systems the information age has brought us, the competition for our attention that has made the basest elements the most viable, will breed themselves out of humanity itself.  Those aspects of character that were once valued, independence, real self reliance, intellectual discipline, human ingenuity and the need to learn, question and explore, will disappear from mankind entirely.

We are being bred, not into a form of primitive man but rather as a form of insect.  The “hive” existence is best expressed by Rabbi Yosef of the Israel’s Likud ruling coalition:

“Goyim were born only to serve us.  Without that, they have no place in the world, only to serve the people of Israel…Why are gentiles needed?  They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like effendi and eat!”

Were such a statement to bring about an outcry for a public stoning or a new “holocaust” against the Jews, we could recognize our barbaric remnants.  That there were only two reactions, cheering throngs and those choosing to “look away” is the reaction of the “new man,” the worker, the slave, the hive mentality, man as an insect.  Military forces, whose support impoverishes half the nations on earth, are not being trained for wars but to enforce the hierarchy of the hive. 

Their training is enforcing compliance, not defense or attack.  They train to kick down doors, crush resistance, create fear, enforce will and demand submission. Are we really being fair to insects?  Even a hive is a community, storing food, raising young.  In a hive, a “queen” has responsibilities, a role, it doesn’t feed of its own young as is now the case with the human “hive” mentality. 

Perhaps its because insects lack the mental capacity to strive for the stars, follow the concepts that promised human greatness.  Do insects believe in things that they can’t see or feel, non-existent entities that communicate directly with the stricken, giving land to some, damning others to suffering? What is the role of a maggot?  They eat rotting flesh, we know that.  Are they the politicians of the insect world?  Locusts.  They devour everything they see and when that is gone, they eat each other. 

Do we find them among us also?  What, in our belief systems, has made us less than the insect?  Soldier ants don’t eat attack worker ants.  Bees don’t eat their own young.  No insect defiles its own nest?  Is this because their views of politics, religion and economics lack the sophisticated guidance human society gets from their centers of learning? Could insects survive if they had a clergy? 

Insects have soldiers but lack generals.  Imagine a portion of a nest, filled with food, served by the workers, a home to the bloated and misshapen.  But, alas, insects have no Pentagon. This is what we have done.  This is the culture we have built, the dancing electron, the flickering screen.  We have created a world culture where the maggot is the top of the food chain.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

Nullification of the "Chosen Ones"

October 28, 2010

kenny’s sideshow

Archbishop Cyrille Salim Butros of Newton, Mass,  the leader of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church in the U.S., has caused a little ‘spat’ in Catholic and Jewish relations by remarks made at a Vatican meeting of Middle Eastern bishops.

Unless I’m mistaken, until the jewish creation of “christian zionism’ what Butros said was standard Christian theology. Basically  it’s that Jesus’ teachings nullified the concept of the ‘chosen ones’ and introduced the novel idea that everyone is equal. It was out with the old and in the new.

Jewish supremacists don’t like that kind of talk so they had the ADL’s hatchet man Abe Foxman do what he’s paid to do … attack.

Butros said: “We Christians cannot speak of the ‘promised land’ as an exclusive right for a privileged Jewish people,” adding: “This promise was nullified by Christ. There is no longer a chosen people – all men and women of all countries have become the chosen people.”


In number eight of the Message, we say that we cannot resort to theological and Biblical assumptions as a tool to justify injustice. We want to say that the promise of God in the Old Testament, relating to the ‘promised land’ … as Christians, we’re saying that this promise was essentially nullified [in French, “abolished”] by the presence of Jesus Christ, who then brought about the Kingdom of God. As Christians, we cannot talk about a ‘promised land’ for the Jews. We talk about a ‘promised land’ which is the Kingdom of God. That’s the promised land, which encompasses the entire earth with a message of peace and justice and equality for all the children of God.

There is no preferred or privileged people. All men and women from every country have become the ‘chosen people.’ This is clear for us.

We cannot just refer to the ‘promised land’ to justify the return of the Jews in Israel, and [ignore] the Palestinians who were kicked out of their land. Five million Jews kicked out three or four million Palestinians from their land, and this is not justifiable.

There’s no ‘chosen people’ any longer for Christians. Everybody is the ‘chosen people.’ What we say is something political. Sacred scripture should not be used to justify the occupation of Palestinian land on the part of the Israelis. {more}

Shocking, outrageous and anti-jewish whines Foxman.

“By stating that God’s Covenantal promise of land to the Jewish people, “was nullified by Christ” and that “there is no longer a chosen people,” Archbishop Bustros is effectively stating that Judaism should no longer exist. This represents the worst kind of anti-Judaism, bordering on anti-Semitism.”

Foxman twists words to fit his agenda.  Bustros wasn’t implying that judaism shouldn’t exist but more like Helen Thomas would say, “Just get the hell out of Palestine.”  And stop with that “god gave us Israel” bull.

It seems Bustros makes a whole lot more sense if you’re looking for peace than the fat Foxman apologist for zionist land theft, genocide and a myriad of criminal activities.

But the Catholic Church will dance around this issue, the jews will continue to bitch about anyone who questions their ‘chosen’ status and Palestinians will pay the price by being forced from more of their land and languishing in the prison of Gaza.

Most so called “Christians” will remain silent.

Posted by kenny’s sideshow at 10:59 PM

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

>The Worst of the Nasty Odors Stinking Up Our World Today

October 28, 2010


October 24, 2010
It’s never a small slice of heaven when someone (obviously handicapped viz-a-viz grasping the finer points of social etiquette) decides it’s in his or her best interest to fumigate the area with an unannounced (and unwanted) digestive eruption. Worse still are those who somehow get their kicks from doing it, and who can’t imagine a funnier, wittier way of telling a joke than to shit his or her pants and stink the place up and watch the subsequent reactions from the innocent victims around him.
They exist, for sure, and just WHY on earth they engage in such behavior will forever remain a mystery, even to the best and brightest amongst us. Best explanation is that it’s just bad rearing, plain and simple. After all, even dogs don’t foul their own areas and that’s not something they even have to be taught…
There are other times however–as crazy as it sounds–that despite it not being a little slice of heaven nevertheless can be an absolute Godsend when Mr. or Mrs. So-and-so has an “announcement” to make and does so in a manner bold, brash and without the slightest concern for what may come afterwards.
I know what you’re saying, but believe me, it’s true. There are some people who’ve got the world fooled concerning their social status and who use that artificially-created status to wreak havoc on our otherwise pleasing-to-the nose world. Essentially rotten to the core, nevertheless the perfume they use in masking their true nature results in them having the world wrapped around their finger to the point that no matter what they do they come out of it smelling like a rose.
Given enough time however, they eventually do themselves in with their own arrogance. Thinking the rest of us are too stupid or that our sense of smell is too dulled to ever figure out who dunnit, inevitably they tire of holding in it and let loose with something that would wake the dead.
One such case occurred recently, although to relatively little fanfare. Had it been anyone else, and particularly from the Muslim community, why the country where the little eruption had taken place would already have been bombed into oblivion and its leaders sent an invoice for the bullets. The event in question, although certainly not easy on the nostrils, nevertheless is one of those cases we should all thank the maker for, given that it goes a long way towards explaining why our little Garden of Eden has turned into such a cesspool these days.
Imagine the scene…a synagogue–a PLACE OF WORSHIP, FOR GOD’S SAKE–and not just ANY place of worship, but indeed in the very headquarters of God Himself–Israel…He–Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef, spiritual leader of Israel’s Shas party–mounts the steps to the podium, clears his throat, adjusts his glasses, shuffles his papers, opens his mouth to speak, and then, with no warning whatsoever–
–belches out a whopper of a heart-stopper that could (or at least SHOULD) have been heard from space.
“Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow and reap while we Jews sit like an effendi (royalty) and eat…That is why gentiles were created…Their sole purpose is to serve Jews…Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the people of Israel…In Israel, death has no dominion over them…With gentiles, it is like with any other person – they need to die, but God gives them longevity. Why? Because this (the gentile) is his servant…Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. That’s why he (the gentile) gets a long life, to work well for the Jew…”
Now, lest some assume the ol’ Rebbe had a sudden attack of indigestion that caused all this ill wind to burst forth and pollute an otherwise breathable/livable environment, think again. Why, it was just a mere few weeks ago where he was heard giving a sermon calling down genocide against Gentiles simply based on their status as such. And he is not alone, as he and his fellow travelers are no longer bothering to hide anymore the foul air coursing through the bowels of Jewish thinking. Anyone needing proof merely get a copy of “The King’s Torah” written by Rabbi Shapira, with its licensing of murdering Gentiles, even innocent children, if it passes the Jewish sniff test.
Nor should we make the mistake of assuming their stinking up the place is limited to just belching such racist, elitist comments as the dirty old man and his fellow perverts are wont to do. It is an across-the-board phenomenon. Actually the statements–as raunchy as they are to both the nostrils and the soul, are mild compared to what happens when they are put into practice–
Operation Cast Lead. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The daily murder of Palestinian children “for sport”. Harvesting organs from Gentiles at gunpoint. Economic exploitation/ruination. De-moralizing entire swaths of civilization through unchallenged Jewish domination of the media. The complete corruption of every political office from the president to the town dog catcher.
Yes, that’s right ladies and germs, the nose knows and it is definitely not a case of “the one who smelt it dealt it”. And yes, as bad as it is, as much as it causes our eyes to water and our throats to burn, we should be rejoicing whenever stink bombs like this go off. The urge to pinch the nose, cover the mouth and start looking around frantically for a polite place to throw up is completely understandable, but the fact is that we need this, BIG TIME. Despite touching off our collective gag reflex and leaving us gasping for fresh air, nevertheless this (and other similar events) will be their undoing and our salvation one day. Why?
Because, it’s exactly the kind of rude, crude, and socially-unacceptable “cutting of the cheese” that exposes the artiste for the true, face-down-in-the-gutter barbarian he is and leaves no doubts concerning his civility and bearing. Remember all that stuff dealing with a “light among nations” and a “holy, priestly people” we have been fed since our earliest days at Sunday school? 
Well, what could be more raw and undiluted than this? There’s nothing “silent but deadly“ about it. It’s as loud as any typical Jewish military campaign–be it Gaza or Iraq–resulting in the killing or wounding of tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children and prime efface evidence as to why there is this thing known as ‘the Jewish problem’ in the world, and more importantly, why there always has been.
He didn’t just think this up yesterday. This kind of thinking is as old as the hills. In these kind of raw, unvarnished, uncensored “Rabbis Gone Wild” vignettes, we get to see the real face of the creature we are dealing with here, the REAL face of Jewish thinking that has got us all by the family jewels these days. Why is there this thing known as war in the Middle East? SIMPLE–IMAGINE THESE ARE YOUR NEIGHBORS–people who shit on your front porch, smear it all over your door and then shoot you when you complain about it or try to clean it up. People who view the rest of us as their God-appointed slaves, or, in the rebbe‘s own words, no better than donkeys–JACKASSES.
Doubtless those within the Jewish community, and particularly the organized Jewish groups whose job is to walk around with a can of air freshener anytime someone from within la famiglia engages in such business will embarrassingly explain away little faux pas such as these with the excuse that it does not represent “true” Judaism that carries the effervescence of heaven and everything good and that this was just an unusual attack of spiritual indigestion.
To which all of us “in the know” can respond with “BULLSHIT”, no pun intended. This is the real deal. All that fluff we have been told–certainly throughout the centuries but specifically in the last 60 years or so–about the Jews just wanting to “live in peace” with others, how they are “misunderstood” and “helpless victims to anti-Semitism” all just got flushed right down the crapper with that little slip of the tongue.
In the 60 or so seconds that it took the ol’ Rebbe to have his bowel movement of the heart, mind and soul, he made clear to the entire world why Jews have been hated throughout history and always will, as long as they entertain such thoughts. How does that old saying go–“Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks?” Truer words were never spoken.
Now, fortunately for those of us in the jackass community, we will get it. We will be able to competently put 2 and 2 together in coming up with 4. Sadly however, they–those who live by words such as those uttered by the ol’ Rebbe, will not. Rather, they will continue with the eternal drama, crying out loud with all their typical fanfare whenever there is some eruption of anti-Jewish activity with Woe…woe…woe…Why us, Lord?…WHY US…?”
The Italians–God bless ‘em, have an old saying that pretty much sums it up–
”Gli ospiti come sono pesci. Dopo tre giorni, puzza…”
–Which, when translated goes something like this–
“Guests are like fish…After 3 days, its stinks…
And even moreso for unwanted ones, and if there were ever a more unwelcome and uninvited guest to the dinner table of nations, it is Israel and her extended family of racists, narcissists, murderers and thugs.
As with all mixed blessings, we, the jackasses of humanity, can take solace in the fact that the continued belching of such foul, sulphuric comments from more and more Jewish leaders worldwide will inevitably result in a much-needed clearing of the air, and hopefully–not just an enduring, but indeed–a permanent one.
© 2010 Mark Glenn


October 27, 2010
October 27, 2010 posted by Gordon Duff ·
By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor
“The age of openness and freedom we were promised is a lie, we live in darkness, censorship, we live under dictatorship as pure as any Orwell could have imagined. The slaves of slaves tell other slaves they aren’t slaves.  We have redefined freedom, we have redefined human endeavor by based on a model that even insects would reject, the instincts for survival of the hive overriding the drive toward mindless self destruction.”
A good question to ask,

“Is anything happening today, perhaps an election, a war, a conference, the Gaza investigation Israel is subjecting itself to, perhaps some religious synod or the great awakening of guilt brought on by this weeks ‘Wikileak,” is any of it going to stop this feeling that humanity is failing?”

The institutions developed during the Renaissance and Age of Reason, the great universities, the press, the dissent of science and the war on religious hypocrisy are now only a memory.  Rabbi’s call for enslavement of mankind under a Jewish “master race,” preachers in America reach millions with messages of hate, fear and destruction and the ignorant and cynical of Islam’s dregs, powered by petro-dollars spew hatred and dogma to deflect yearnings for freedom and progress.

The freedoms promised at the end of World War II with the establishment of the United Nations and and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights have, not only not come to pass, we now live in a world where such concepts are now considered a joke.

The press, the only institution capable of standing up to dictatorship has now become, not only the “velvet glove” disguising the mailed fist but something far more insidious.  The melding of information and entertainment, called “infotainment” has become the greatest assault on rational thought, cultural development and human dignity since the darkest days of early Catholicism.  Every word is carefully gauged to create feelings of powerlessness, mistrust in institutions and yet, conversely, push forward an agenda of sheepish compliance and dependence in things known,  either overtly or “in the heart” to be false, even evil.
Everything is about control of information.  This sounds innocent.  We once called it propaganda and, on occasion, when pointing fingers at others, even used the term “thought control.”  It is now more, much more.  Reality cannot exist when it is defined through media.  Reality is scripted, events are scripted.  Wars no longer are started by hatreds of ill conceived alliances, they are simply written and acted out.

Everything that happens, terror attacks, invasions, everything is defined, scripted and acted out.  There is no winning or losing, casualties no longer matter, there are no victors only those who profit and those who pay.
The term “Orwellian” is far from adequate.  We are certainly creating a “new man” but more in the mode of William Shockley.  Rather than the “inferior” breeding themselves back to the stone age, we could easily surmise that those dependent on, not only “information” but the cultural systems the information age has brought us, the competition for our attention that has made the basest elements the most viable, will breed themselves out of humanity itself.  Those aspects of character that were once valued, independence, real self reliance, intellectual discipline, human ingenuity and the need to learn, question and explore, will disappear from mankind entirely.

We are being bred, not into a form of primitive man but rather as a form of insect.  The “hive” existence is best expressed by Rabbi Yosef of the Israel’s Likud ruling coalition:

“Goyim were born only to serve us.  Without that, they have no place in the world, only to serve the people of Israel…Why are gentiles needed?  They will work, they will plow, they will reap.
We will sit like effendi and eat!”

Were such a statement to bring about an outcry for a public stoning or a new “holocaust” against the Jews, we could recognize our barbaric remnants.  That there were only two reactions, cheering throngs and those choosing to “look away” is the reaction of the “new man,” the worker, the slave, the hive mentality, man as an insect.  Military forces, whose support impoverishes half the nations on earth, are not being trained for wars but to enforce the hierarchy of the hive.  Their training is enforcing compliance, not defense or attack.  They train to kick down doors, crush resistance, create fear, enforce will and demand submission.

Are we really being fair to insects?  Even a hive is a community, storing food, raising young.  In a hive, a “queen” has responsibilities, a role, it doesn’t feed of its own young as is now the case with the human “hive” mentality.  Perhaps its because insects lack the mental capacity to strive for the stars, follow the concepts that promised human greatness.  Do insects believe in things that they can’t see or feel, non-existent entities that communicate directly with the stricken, giving land to some, damning others to suffering?

What is the role of a maggot?  They eat rotting flesh, we know that.  Are they the politicians of the insect world?  Locusts.  They devour everything they see and when that is gone, they eat each other.  Do we find them among us also?  What, in our belief systems, has made us less than the insect?  Soldier ants don’t eat attack worker ants.  Bees don’t eat their own young.  No insect defiles its own nest?  Is this because their views of politics, religion and economics lack the sophisticated guidance human society gets from their centers of learning?

Could insects survive if they had a clergy?  Insects have soldiers but lack generals.  Imagine a portion of a nest, filled with food, served by the workers, a home to the bloated and misshapen.  But, alas, insects have no Pentagon.

This is what we have done.  This is the culture we have built, the dancing electron, the flickering screen.  We have created a world culture where the maggot is the top of the food chain.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian