Archive for the ‘Hitler’ Category

Jews , are not a Race ……

July 13, 2010

Frustrated Arab’s Diary
  the same faces,the same skin, the same culture
(regardless of that yellow-Star !!)
 Pure-Arab-Jews !!
(remained… .. Arabs)
 an African-Jew !!
(who became a colonial-servant)

 a Polish-Jew !!
(became a Hollywood-hero)
One Aryan-Jewish- German-Nazi- SS-General !!
(Reinhard Heydrich)

If the Jews were to be a one Race
how come the Nazi´s have asked them to fill in a form
in which they must declare (or admit) their racial- identity. ??

Even after having done that ,
German-Jews were still not evidently recognisable
so they were asked to wear ” a yellow Star “
for that purpose

Either Hitler was an ignorant ,
or the Jews are not a Raceor both my accusations are correct !!

Besides that , a race , any race,
is recognisable by the naked eye .
Only a vegetarian , or a genius
or a tax-inspector ,  are not optically recognisable.

How come that the most racist organisation
and the most ” anti-semitic” ideology
could not pick up a Jew ,( or a non-Jew)
walking down the streets of Frankfort
or playing football in Hamburg   ???

Were the Nazi´s that much ignorant, or so blind  ???….
or the Jews are not a Race… all !!

A religion can not be seen on a face
nor on the colour of a skin
nor on the size of a nose…..
but a Race can be seen.

Sherlock    Hommosantropologue when need be !!

Rumors are that the Family Hitler
were to be Jewish-Hungarians .

Posted by Тлакскала at 7:37 PM

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

Deteriorating Conditions for Israeli Arab Citizens

July 11, 2010

by Stephen Lendman

In April 2010, the Mossawa Advocacy Center for Arab Citizens in Israel published a report titled, “One Year for Israel’s New Government and the Arab Minority in Israel,” assessing the climate for Israeli Arabs – citizens comprising 20% of the population but none of the rights and protections afforded Jews.

Mossawa calls them “a potentially formidable force for peace and coexistence between Palestinians and Israeli Jews” if only they were respected as equals. They’re not and face systemic discrimination, despite their wanting to be active participants and partners for peace in a nation as much theirs and Jews. Why not! They lived there for centuries without persecuting the minority Jewish population.

Like earlier governments, the Netanhayu regime denies them – its key portfolios openly hostile, extremists in them endorsing schemes to collectively expel them to a future undefined Palestinian state, either outside Greater Israel or in isolated cantons, surrounded by hostile Jewish settlements, incrementally stealing their land.

In the past year, discriminatory legislation institutionalized inequality, political delegitimization, and incitement against them. Also, their needs and rights have gone unaddressed, including violent racist incidents, at times involving killings.

Mossawa examined Israel’s current political climate, “the issue of racism, violence and incitement against (Arab citizens) by public institutions, security forces and (Jews), as well as in legislation. In addition, the current socio-economic situation” they face, including the marginalized status of women. Budget allocations are also considered and how they short change Arab communities.

An Analysis of Netanyahu’s First Year

His election created an “extreme religious-nationist coalition government, dominated by Likud and Yisrael Beiteinu, (Israel is our Home)” – the latter party founded in 1999 by Avigdor Lieberman, an ultranationalist, revisionist Zionist, and current Foreign Minister.

In contrast, the political left weakened, but the presence of Labor in the government denotes its acceptance of belligerent, racist policies, however its members vote or may split. Even the opposition is a “mosaic of extreme right, center and left parties,” unable to block extremist measures, harmful to Arab rights.

The election marked the low-point of Arab-Jewish relations. Ahead of it, Acre clashes caused damage and destruction to over 100 Arab and Jewish shops and properties, some burned to the ground (a mini- Kristallnacht mostly affecting Arabs).

The incidents signified a political agenda to Judaize Arab neighborhoods by transferring Jews to towns and cities across Israel. Racial incidents, violence and other incitement followed, Acre signaling worse to come.

Throughout 2008, political incitement against Arab communities occurred. Then the Gaza war that affected Arab Israelis, especially from repression of anti-war sentiment at the time and greater Arab hostility.

On January 12, 2009, Israel’s Central Election Committee (CEC) banned two of three Knesset parties representing Arab communities – the United Arab List Ta’al and Balad – from participating in the February elections, claiming they don’t recognize the Jewish state and call for armed uprisings against it. Although the Supreme Court overturned the decision, it showed an increasing infringement of Arab Israeli civil, human, and political rights as well as alarming racism and discrimination by state authorities.

Post-election, key portfolios have been dominated by ethno-nationalistic politics, legitimizing discriminatory ideology and legislation, threatening peace, Israeli Arab rights and security.

Much provocation also comes from former settlers, moved to Acre, Jaffa, Ramle and other mixed areas after Sharon’s 2005 Gaza disengagement, now encouraged to incite violence against Israeli Arabs. Politicians like Avigdor Lieberman aid them by racist slurs and charging Arab political leaders with disloyalty when they disagree with government policy.

For example, on August 5, 2009, Lieberman accused MK Ahmad Tibi, United Arab List head, of being “more dangerous to Israel than the Islamic Resistance movement, Hamas, and the Islamic Jihad (and that Israel’s) main problem is not the Palestinians but Ahmad Tibi and others like him.”

During the 2009 election campaign, Liberman advocated transferring Israeli Arabs (1.5 million citizens) to a future Palestinian state in exchange for new West Bank Jewish settlements. As Foreign Minister, at home and abroad, he voices the same idea – an illusory two-state solution based on mass ethnic cleansing.

In early 2010, deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon suggested a land for peace deal, involving northern Israeli towns and villages (“the triangle”) for new West Bank settlements, coming anyway because they’re planned.

In addition, other Israeli officials showed open hostility to Israeli Arabs, including Internal Security Minister, Yitzhak Aharonovitch, caught on film using the term “Araboosh,” highly derogatory slang for Arab, similar to calling Jews “kikes” or Blacks “niggers.”

On July 2, 2009, Housing Minister, Ariel Atias, advocated for preventing Arab Israeli dispersion in various parts of the country, saying: “I see (it) as a national duty to prevent the spread of a population that, to say the least, does not love the State of Israel.” Speaking to the Israel Bar Association, he stressed that “populations that should not mix are spreading (to Jewish areas) I don’t think appropriate.”

The term “demographic threat” is used to further government policy favoring separatism and exclusivity, rather than assuring equal rights for all citizens. As a result, Jewish only cities have been created, like Nevatim and Habahadim in the Negev, areas for military use with only Jewish housing.

On July 26, 2009, settler Rabbi Dov Lior called for Judaizing Nazareth Illit, saying: “….much like in Hebron, it takes a determined Jewish community to transform an area that has always been Jewish and that is currently inhabited by Arabs, into an area of emerging Jewish life and Jewish revival.” No matter that its residents lived there for centuries.

For decades, extremist Jews targeted the city of Umm Al-Fahem. On February 10, 2009, the day of state elections, ethno-nationalistic Jewish National Front leader (and member of the banned Kach party), Baruch Marzel, planned to supervise ballot collections in the city. Local resistance prevented it, one council member saying “we welcome any other Jewish person who does not wish to expel us.” Yet over 3,000 security personnel protected their racist demonstration against the city’s Arabs, supporting it by showing contempt for its non-Jewish citizens.

Similar incidents are commonplace, including in Rahat, Israel’s largest Bedouin city, when provocative right wing extremists marched in protest (on July 26, 2009) against “illegal” construction. The irony is galling – Arabs prevented from building legally, but sanction illegal West Bank settlement construction, at the same time “Death to Arabs” graffiti is openly displayed, not banned or removed throughout Israeli towns and cities.

Racist incidents result, including a 66% 2009 increase on football fields because offenders aren’t punished. Also in Israeli communities, at times originating from the highest political levels to incite violence within and between Israeli Arabs and Jews.

Discriminatory legislation follows, earlier examples include the 1950 Law of Return, the 1952 Citizenship Law, and same year Entry into Israel Law – granting Jews worldwide automatic citizenship on arrival, a benefit no other country affords or should.

In 2009, 21 discriminatory bills were introduced that undermine Arab legitimacy, a population Lieberman calls the “enemy within.” While all bills didn’t pass, proposing them shows how 1.5 million citizens are threatened – dispelling peace and reconciliation hopes, notions past Israeli governments spurned, let alone the current one, introducing extremist measures, including to let the Interior Minister revoke citizenship rights of anyone deemed disloyal, with no right of appeal to the Attorney General.

The current one, Eli Yishai, said if the bill passes he’ll revoke MK Azmi Bishara’s citizenship as well as for 34 other Israeli Arabs – but not Yigal Amir’s, Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s killer. For Israeli extremists, he’s a hero.

In 2003, the Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law became a temporary measure, thereafter renewed annually. It denies citizenship and Israeli residence to Palestinians who marry Israeli citizens. Although in theory applying to all Israelis, it’s been used disproportionately against Arabs – despite being in violation of the unanimously adopted UN resolution on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination that upholds fundamental international human rights law.

In December 2009, Yisrael Beitneinu MK, and Chaiman of the Knesset Constitution, David Rotem, introduced an amendment with 44 other MKs to the Basic Law Human Dignity and Freedom, to eliminate its incompatibilities with the racist Citizenship and Entry in Israel Law. It was rejected, but if adopted, would have institutionalized Basic Law racism, the closest thing Israel has to a constitution. Its mere introduction, however, set a dangerous precedent, suggesting future efforts that will pass.

Other bills are also outrageous, including the attempt to prohibit Nakba commemorations on threat of cutting off funding for institutions supporting it. Another bill criminalizes denying Israel’s right to be called a Jewish state. It’s not. It’s a Zionist one, the distinction some orthodox Jews acknowledge, but not extremist MKs. If passed, offenders will be imprisoned for up to a year, and Arab citizen inequality and discrimination will be institutionalized.

Rotem also introduced a Loyalty Oath bill, requiring citizens pledge it to a “Jewish, Zionist, and democratic State,” to its emblems and values, and to perform military service or an equivalent as a condition for a national identity card signifying citizenship. So far, it’s rejected but may be reintroduced in new form, given the dominance of extremist MKs.

A May 2009 “Principles of the Agreement between the State and the JNF” (Jewish National Fund) proposed its ownership of “available and unplanned” land in the Negev and Galilee – in the heart of Arab communities as a way to displace them for Jews.

Other laws, introduced or passed, favor Jews over Arabs. In addition, legitimized violence has grown alarmingly in the past decade resulting in dozens of Israeli Arab deaths. Prominent Arab leaders have also been arrested during peaceful demonstrations, and human rights groups (“deemed biased against Israel”) have been threatened and targeted by hostile legislation to restrict their funding and freedoms.

In January 2010, the Zionist student group, Im Tirtzu, accused the New Israel Fund (NIF) of bearing direct responsibility for the Goldstone Report. NIF responded, saying it “became the latest target of what appears to be a coordinated effort to stifle dissent and shut down the human rights community in Israel.”

Over the past decade, Arab MKs have been investigated – some indicted on charges of incitement for participating in nonviolent protests against discriminatory government policies. Over the same period, Jewish MKs introduced bills comparing Arab Knesset members to Nazi collaborators, proposing transferring them to a future Palestinian state.

For some time, systematically curtailing Arab civil and political liberties has continued, all Israeli Arabs endangered by a nation affording rights solely to Jews.

A Historic Analog – Nazi 1930s Violence Against Jews

Early on, the Nazis institutionalized violence to force its will on all aspects of society – its plan to solidify power and establish despotic rule. The Gestapo and SS enforced it against declared enemies of the state, including communists, social democrats, gypsies, homosexuals, and, of course, Jews.
Right after the March 1933 elections, Nazis institutionalized violence, riots beginning in the Ruhr and spread nationally. Jewish businesses, enterprises and stores were picketed, handbills saying “Germans, don’t buy at Jewish shops.” SA stormtroopers broke into Jewish homes, mistreating and arresting their occupants.

Hitler launched a nationwide boycott against Jewish enterprises, doctors and lawyers. Entrances to their establishments and offices were blocked. Anti-semitic graffiti was put up and windows smashed. It was a precursor of worse to come, including propaganda to institutionalize public anger against Jews as enemies of the Third Reich.

By 1935, Jews were publicly humiliated, banned from certain towns, and party activists assaulted the orthodox, cut their beards and shaved their heads to vilify them and Judaism.

Racist legislation followed, including the infamous “Nuremberg Laws” discussed below. Landlords were forced to break leases with Jewish tenants. By 1936, distinctions were removed between harming Jews physically and using legal measures to destroy their businesses and livelihoods.

By 1938, violence escalated, starting with the Austrian Anschluss in March. A wave of anti-Jewish measures followed, aimed at Austrian Jews. Nazi policy enforced “Aryanizations,” confiscations, arrests, and physical violence against Jews. In November, the infamous Kristallnacht pogrom occurred, directly incited by Hitler and Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda.

They exploited the attempted assassination of German diplomat Ernst vom Rath in Paris on November 7. Violent riots followed. The entire party apparatus was involved. In most German cities and towns, enterprises and Jewish homes were looted; 200 or more synagogues and 7,500 Jewish enterprises were attacked, burned and destroyed; and when it ended, 680 Jews were dead and nearly 30,000 interned in concentration camps.

In addition, the ministerial bureaucracy and Gestapo intensified enforcement of Jewish emigration and keeping Jews and Aryans totally apart. Violent anti-Jewish acts were exempted from German law. Many occurred, including murders, rapes and other sexual assaults, organized pogroms, public humiliations, vandalism, anti-semitic graffiti, boycotts, confiscations, looting and other forms of theft – virtually anything to vilify and remove German Jewry.

On the eve of WW II, German society was accustomed to anti-semitic violence. It was the genesis of the 1941-45 holocaust, facilitated by the 1935 “Nuremberg Laws” that:”

— protected “German Blood and German Honour”;

— prevented marriage or sexual relations between Jews and Aryans;

— declared persons with any Jewish blood no longer citizens and denied all rights;

— banned Jews from holding professional jobs to exclude them from education, politics and industry;

— segregated Jews from Aryans;

— punished them financially, effectively bankrupting Jewish enterprises;

— prohibited Aryan doctors from treating them;

— prevented Jews from becoming doctors;

— excluded Jewish children from state-run schools; and

— effectively denied Jews all rights afforded Aryans – a prelude to Nazi genocide, what Palestinians have incrementally endured for decades by racist laws, persecution, land theft, dispossession, exclusion, isolation, mass imprisonment, torture, targeted assassinations, violence, and wartime slaughter – most recently, Cast Lead, and now an extremist government targeting them and Israeli Arabs, by persecution, removal, or perhaps annihilation. A historic analog shows the danger.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at Also visit his blog site at and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.

posted by Steve Lendman @ 3:02 AM

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

Deteriorating Conditions for Israeli Arab Citizens

July 10, 2010

by Stephen Lendman

In April 2010, the Mossawa Advocacy Center for Arab Citizens in Israel published a report titled, “One Year for Israel’s New Government and the Arab Minority in Israel,” assessing the climate for Israeli Arabs – citizens comprising 20% of the population but none of the rights and protections afforded Jews.

Mossawa calls them “a potentially formidable force for peace and coexistence between Palestinians and Israeli Jews” if only they were respected as equals. They’re not and face systemic discrimination, despite their wanting to be active participants and partners for peace in a nation as much theirs and Jews. Why not! They lived there for centuries without persecuting the minority Jewish population.

Like earlier governments, the Netanhayu regime denies them – its key portfolios openly hostile, extremists in them endorsing schemes to collectively expel them to a future undefined Palestinian state, either outside Greater Israel or in isolated cantons, surrounded by hostile Jewish settlements, incrementally stealing their land.

In the past year, discriminatory legislation institutionalized inequality, political delegitimization, and incitement against them. Also, their needs and rights have gone unaddressed, including violent racist incidents, at times involving killings.

Mossawa examined Israel’s current political climate, “the issue of racism, violence and incitement against (Arab citizens) by public institutions, security forces and (Jews), as well as in legislation. In addition, the current socio-economic situation” they face, including the marginalized status of women. Budget allocations are also considered and how they short change Arab communities.

An Analysis of Netanyahu’s First Year

His election created an “extreme religious-nationist coalition government, dominated by Likud and Yisrael Beiteinu, (Israel is our Home)” – the latter party founded in 1999 by Avigdor Lieberman, an ultranationalist, revisionist Zionist, and current Foreign Minister.

In contrast, the political left weakened, but the presence of Labor in the government denotes its acceptance of belligerent, racist policies, however its members vote or may split. Even the opposition is a “mosaic of extreme right, center and left parties,” unable to block extremist measures, harmful to Arab rights.

The election marked the low-point of Arab-Jewish relations. Ahead of it, Acre clashes caused damage and destruction to over 100 Arab and Jewish shops and properties, some burned to the ground (a mini- Kristallnacht mostly affecting Arabs).

The incidents signified a political agenda to Judaize Arab neighborhoods by transferring Jews to towns and cities across Israel. Racial incidents, violence and other incitement followed, Acre signaling worse to come.

Throughout 2008, political incitement against Arab communities occurred. Then the Gaza war that affected Arab Israelis, especially from repression of anti-war sentiment at the time and greater Arab hostility.

On January 12, 2009, Israel’s Central Election Committee (CEC) banned two of three Knesset parties representing Arab communities – the United Arab List Ta’al and Balad – from participating in the February elections, claiming they don’t recognize the Jewish state and call for armed uprisings against it. Although the Supreme Court overturned the decision, it showed an increasing infringement of Arab Israeli civil, human, and political rights as well as alarming racism and discrimination by state authorities.

Post-election, key portfolios have been dominated by ethno-nationalistic politics, legitimizing discriminatory ideology and legislation, threatening peace, Israeli Arab rights and security.

Much provocation also comes from former settlers, moved to Acre, Jaffa, Ramle and other mixed areas after Sharon’s 2005 Gaza disengagement, now encouraged to incite violence against Israeli Arabs. Politicians like Avigdor Lieberman aid them by racist slurs and charging Arab political leaders with disloyalty when they disagree with government policy.

For example, on August 5, 2009, Lieberman accused MK Ahmad Tibi, United Arab List head, of being “more dangerous to Israel than the Islamic Resistance movement, Hamas, and the Islamic Jihad (and that Israel’s) main problem is not the Palestinians but Ahmad Tibi and others like him.”

During the 2009 election campaign, Liberman advocated transferring Israeli Arabs (1.5 million citizens) to a future Palestinian state in exchange for new West Bank Jewish settlements. As Foreign Minister, at home and abroad, he voices the same idea – an illusory two-state solution based on mass ethnic cleansing.

In early 2010, deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon suggested a land for peace deal, involving northern Israeli towns and villages (“the triangle”) for new West Bank settlements, coming anyway because they’re planned.

In addition, other Israeli officials showed open hostility to Israeli Arabs, including Internal Security Minister, Yitzhak Aharonovitch, caught on film using the term “Araboosh,” highly derogatory slang for Arab, similar to calling Jews “kikes” or Blacks “niggers.”

On July 2, 2009, Housing Minister, Ariel Atias, advocated for preventing Arab Israeli dispersion in various parts of the country, saying: “I see (it) as a national duty to prevent the spread of a population that, to say the least, does not love the State of Israel.” Speaking to the Israel Bar Association, he stressed that “populations that should not mix are spreading (to Jewish areas) I don’t think appropriate.”

The term “demographic threat” is used to further government policy favoring separatism and exclusivity, rather than assuring equal rights for all citizens. As a result, Jewish only cities have been created, like Nevatim and Habahadim in the Negev, areas for military use with only Jewish housing.

On July 26, 2009, settler Rabbi Dov Lior called for Judaizing Nazareth Illit, saying: “….much like in Hebron, it takes a determined Jewish community to transform an area that has always been Jewish and that is currently inhabited by Arabs, into an area of emerging Jewish life and Jewish revival.” No matter that its residents lived there for centuries.

For decades, extremist Jews targeted the city of Umm Al-Fahem. On February 10, 2009, the day of state elections, ethno-nationalistic Jewish National Front leader (and member of the banned Kach party), Baruch Marzel, planned to supervise ballot collections in the city. Local resistance prevented it, one council member saying “we welcome any other Jewish person who does not wish to expel us.” Yet over 3,000 security personnel protected their racist demonstration against the city’s Arabs, supporting it by showing contempt for its non-Jewish citizens.

Similar incidents are commonplace, including in Rahat, Israel’s largest Bedouin city, when provocative right wing extremists marched in protest (on July 26, 2009) against “illegal” construction. The irony is galling – Arabs prevented from building legally, but sanction illegal West Bank settlement construction, at the same time “Death to Arabs” graffiti is openly displayed, not banned or removed throughout Israeli towns and cities.

Racist incidents result, including a 66% 2009 increase on football fields because offenders aren’t punished. Also in Israeli communities, at times originating from the highest political levels to incite violence within and between Israeli Arabs and Jews.

Discriminatory legislation follows, earlier examples include the 1950 Law of Return, the 1952 Citizenship Law, and same year Entry into Israel Law – granting Jews worldwide automatic citizenship on arrival, a benefit no other country affords or should.

In 2009, 21 discriminatory bills were introduced that undermine Arab legitimacy, a population Lieberman calls the “enemy within.” While all bills didn’t pass, proposing them shows how 1.5 million citizens are threatened – dispelling peace and reconciliation hopes, notions past Israeli governments spurned, let alone the current one, introducing extremist measures, including to let the Interior Minister revoke citizenship rights of anyone deemed disloyal, with no right of appeal to the Attorney General.

The current one, Eli Yishai, said if the bill passes he’ll revoke MK Azmi Bishara’s citizenship as well as for 34 other Israeli Arabs – but not Yigal Amir’s, Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s killer. For Israeli extremists, he’s a hero.

In 2003, the Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law became a temporary measure, thereafter renewed annually. It denies citizenship and Israeli residence to Palestinians who marry Israeli citizens. Although in theory applying to all Israelis, it’s been used disproportionately against Arabs – despite being in violation of the unanimously adopted UN resolution on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination that upholds fundamental international human rights law.

In December 2009, Yisrael Beitneinu MK, and Chaiman of the Knesset Constitution, David Rotem, introduced an amendment with 44 other MKs to the Basic Law Human Dignity and Freedom, to eliminate its incompatibilities with the racist Citizenship and Entry in Israel Law. It was rejected, but if adopted, would have institutionalized Basic Law racism, the closest thing Israel has to a constitution. Its mere introduction, however, set a dangerous precedent, suggesting future efforts that will pass.

Other bills are also outrageous, including the attempt to prohibit Nakba commemorations on threat of cutting off funding for institutions supporting it. Another bill criminalizes denying Israel’s right to be called a Jewish state. It’s not. It’s a Zionist one, the distinction some orthodox Jews acknowledge, but not extremist MKs. If passed, offenders will be imprisoned for up to a year, and Arab citizen inequality and discrimination will be institutionalized.

Rotem also introduced a Loyalty Oath bill, requiring citizens pledge it to a “Jewish, Zionist, and democratic State,” to its emblems and values, and to perform military service or an equivalent as a condition for a national identity card signifying citizenship. So far, it’s rejected but may be reintroduced in new form, given the dominance of extremist MKs.

A May 2009 “Principles of the Agreement between the State and the JNF” (Jewish National Fund) proposed its ownership of “available and unplanned” land in the Negev and Galilee – in the heart of Arab communities as a way to displace them for Jews.

Other laws, introduced or passed, favor Jews over Arabs. In addition, legitimized violence has grown alarmingly in the past decade resulting in dozens of Israeli Arab deaths. Prominent Arab leaders have also been arrested during peaceful demonstrations, and human rights groups (“deemed biased against Israel”) have been threatened and targeted by hostile legislation to restrict their funding and freedoms.

In January 2010, the Zionist student group, Im Tirtzu, accused the New Israel Fund (NIF) of bearing direct responsibility for the Goldstone Report. NIF responded, saying it “became the latest target of what appears to be a coordinated effort to stifle dissent and shut down the human rights community in Israel.”

Over the past decade, Arab MKs have been investigated – some indicted on charges of incitement for participating in nonviolent protests against discriminatory government policies. Over the same period, Jewish MKs introduced bills comparing Arab Knesset members to Nazi collaborators, proposing transferring them to a future Palestinian state.

For some time, systematically curtailing Arab civil and political liberties has continued, all Israeli Arabs endangered by a nation affording rights solely to Jews.

A Historic Analog – Nazi 1930s Violence Against Jews

Early on, the Nazis institutionalized violence to force its will on all aspects of society – its plan to solidify power and establish despotic rule. The Gestapo and SS enforced it against declared enemies of the state, including communists, social democrats, gypsies, homosexuals, and, of course, Jews.
Right after the March 1933 elections, Nazis institutionalized violence, riots beginning in the Ruhr and spread nationally. Jewish businesses, enterprises and stores were picketed, handbills saying “Germans, don’t buy at Jewish shops.” SA stormtroopers broke into Jewish homes, mistreating and arresting their occupants.

Hitler launched a nationwide boycott against Jewish enterprises, doctors and lawyers. Entrances to their establishments and offices were blocked. Anti-semitic graffiti was put up and windows smashed. It was a precursor of worse to come, including propaganda to institutionalize public anger against Jews as enemies of the Third Reich.

By 1935, Jews were publicly humiliated, banned from certain towns, and party activists assaulted the orthodox, cut their beards and shaved their heads to vilify them and Judaism.

Racist legislation followed, including the infamous “Nuremberg Laws” discussed below. Landlords were forced to break leases with Jewish tenants. By 1936, distinctions were removed between harming Jews physically and using legal measures to destroy their businesses and livelihoods.

By 1938, violence escalated, starting with the Austrian Anschluss in March. A wave of anti-Jewish measures followed, aimed at Austrian Jews. Nazi policy enforced “Aryanizations,” confiscations, arrests, and physical violence against Jews. In November, the infamous Kristallnacht pogrom occurred, directly incited by Hitler and Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda.

They exploited the attempted assassination of German diplomat Ernst vom Rath in Paris on November 7. Violent riots followed. The entire party apparatus was involved. In most German cities and towns, enterprises and Jewish homes were looted; 200 or more synagogues and 7,500 Jewish enterprises were attacked, burned and destroyed; and when it ended, 680 Jews were dead and nearly 30,000 interned in concentration camps.

In addition, the ministerial bureaucracy and Gestapo intensified enforcement of Jewish emigration and keeping Jews and Aryans totally apart. Violent anti-Jewish acts were exempted from German law. Many occurred, including murders, rapes and other sexual assaults, organized pogroms, public humiliations, vandalism, anti-semitic graffiti, boycotts, confiscations, looting and other forms of theft – virtually anything to vilify and remove German Jewry.

On the eve of WW II, German society was accustomed to anti-semitic violence. It was the genesis of the 1941-45 holocaust, facilitated by the 1935 “Nuremberg Laws” that:”

— protected “German Blood and German Honour”;

— prevented marriage or sexual relations between Jews and Aryans;

— declared persons with any Jewish blood no longer citizens and denied all rights;

— banned Jews from holding professional jobs to exclude them from education, politics and industry;

— segregated Jews from Aryans;

— punished them financially, effectively bankrupting Jewish enterprises;

— prohibited Aryan doctors from treating them;

— prevented Jews from becoming doctors;

— excluded Jewish children from state-run schools; and

— effectively denied Jews all rights afforded Aryans – a prelude to Nazi genocide, what Palestinians have incrementally endured for decades by racist laws, persecution, land theft, dispossession, exclusion, isolation, mass imprisonment, torture, targeted assassinations, violence, and wartime slaughter – most recently, Cast Lead, and now an extremist government targeting them and Israeli Arabs, by persecution, removal, or perhaps annihilation. A historic analog shows the danger.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at Also visit his blog site at and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.

posted by Steve Lendman @ 3:02 AM

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian


June 25, 2010

June 24, 2010 posted by Gordon Duff


By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor

Today the Israeli news service sent out an email broadcast, 87 US Senators affirmed unquestioning support for Israel in the wake of worldwide condemnation for Israeli actions against the Freedom Flotilla. In Australia, Prime Minister Rudd, after strongly admonishing Israel for counterfeiting Australian passports for use in political assassinations was removed from office, victim of a relentless media campaign orchestrated from Tel Aviv. How does this tell us we no longer live in democracies, the US, Australia, Britain, Germany and Canada?

What so many are seeing today is that democracy has really failed. Democratic governments, under attack for decades from within, have all become contaminated by their dependence on cash to finance elections, initially an excuse for “selling out.” Once special interests got a foot in the door, they began screening candidates and even, something we have more than a little evidence of, selecting leaders a generation ahead or more. A particular type was sought, intelligent, ambitious but deeply flawed, angry, resentful and subject to misjudgement. Thus, when mysterious candidates who never end up what they initially seem, come out of nowhere, drowning in cash, and move into the national spotlight, we see evidence of the thinly veiled dictatorships we now call democracies.

When those same candidates, all initially seen as the “guiding light” on the return to American greatness turn out to be hacks, Americans simply wait for the next deeply flawed, robotic malcontent to be elevated into the spotlight.

It doesn’t take a genius to notice that our current foreign policy is dictated by Tel Aviv. The basis for accepting the supremacy of Israeli interests over that of the United States is holocaust guilt, calculated Islamophobia promulgated by pop culture, the impression of a strategic alliance with Israel that secures the United States and a belief that Israel is a bastion of democracy that was brutally attacked in 1967 by massed invading armies of Arabs bent on the genocide of Jews around the world.

The root of our support for Israel is the 1967 war, a war we are told was a victory of outnumbered Jewish freedom fighters subjected to a massive sneak attack by Soviet backed Arab armies. Were anyone to ask a senior American military officer, President Obama or Vice President Biden, members of congress or our foreign services, news reporters or members of the public, one would find this version of events to be universal.

I remember that time well. Every gas station in America had racks with humorous adhesive plaques: PROTECTED BY THE EGYPTIAN ARMY

I had one, paid the 50 cents. It was stuck on the tooled stainless steel of my Shelby Mustang, next to the Hurst shifter. That memory stands as a reminder of how stupid I have been. Never have I been reminded to such as a when I read the Alan Hart article, “Why, Really, Was The USS Liberty Attacked By Israel?” Hart, a well known British war corresponded with ITV, was in the Sinai at the time, following up what he believed to be preparations for an upcoming attack on Egypt and Syria by Israel, an unprovoked attack, carefully planned by military extremists who had overthrown the democratic government of Israel in a bloodless coup, a dictatorship we aren’t entirely clear has ever really given up actual power.

“The short answer is that in Israel the week before the war there was what amounted to a MILITARY COUP in all but name and without a shot being fired….I witnessed Israel’s military and political hawks rubbishing Prime Minister Eshkol. They were painting him as indecisive, weak and frightened to confront Nasser. Their objective was to create a crisis of confidence in his leadership ,in the hope that he would be forced to resign. When that didn’t happen, the generals demanded that Eshkol, who was both PM and Defense Minister, surrender his Defense Portfolio and give it to Israel’s one-eyed warlord and master of deception, General Moshe Dayan. And that’s what happened on Thursday 1 June, when a government of National Unity came into being. It was then inevitable that Israel would go to war in a matter of days. I actually predicted that it would do so on the morning of Monday 5 June.”

The Hart article was both surprisingly credible in tone and quite well supported, revealing astonishing admissions by Israeli players, government, military and foreign service, who openly admitted the deception plan, clear evidence of fraud, involving the 1967 War. With the basis of so much American public opinion including much of the perceptual basis used to vilify Islam as a cohesive community bent on the destruction of, not only Judaism but Christianity as well being thoroughly debunked by information that has long been in the public domain, America’s continued use of known lies as a basis for policy is inexcusable.

Hart included a number of quotes that reveal to what extent America has been misled, building decades of policy on lies, and creating a dangerous mythology designed to propagandize Americans.

“> In an interview published in Le Monde on 28 February 1968, Israeli Chief of Staff Rabin said: “I do not believe that Nasser wanted war. The two divisions which he sent into Sinai on 14 May would not have been enough to unleash an offensive against Israel. He knew it and we knew it.”

> On 14 April 1971, a report in the Israeli newspaper Al-Hamishmar contained the following statement by Mordecai Bentov, a member of the wartime national government. “The entire story of the danger of extermination was invented in every detail and exaggerated a posteriori to justify the annexation of new Arab territory.”

> In the spring of 1972, General Peled, Chief of Logistical Command during the war and one of 12 members of Israel’s General Staff, addressed a political literary club in Tel Aviv. He said: “The thesis according to which the danger of genocide hung over us in June 1967, and according to which Israel was fighting for her very physical survival, was nothing but a bluff which was born and bred after the war.” In a radio debate Peled said: “Israel was never in real danger and there was no evidence that Egypt had any intention of attacking Israel.” He added, “Israeli intelligence knew that Egypt was not prepared for war.”

> In 1982, Prime Minister Begin, arguably the world’s most successful terrorist leader, went even further. He said : “In June 1967 we had a choice. The Egyptian army concentrations in the Sinai approaches did not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us, We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him.””

Again, its as though modern history begins in 1967. If we rewrite history, supplanting myth with fact, we are struck with a series of starling revelations that clearly indicate that every move America has made in the Middle East, moves with broad consequences to our national security and economic survival, were based on full collusion with Israel in a series of acts, not only detrimental to America but fully treasonous as well.

In 1967, as Hart points out, a crack opened in the official story regarding the infamous “accidental” attack on the USS Liberty, killing and wounding over 200 American sailors. Newsweek magazine confronted the cover story, a cover that has now totally collapsed and represents a 43 year old rift between Israel and the United States Navy.

“So far as I am aware, the only honest piece of reporting in the American media in the immediate aftermath of the attack was on 19 June in Newsweek’s “Periscope” section. A small item in that read as follows:

“Although Israel’s apologies were officially accepted, some high Washington officials believe the Israelis knew the Liberty’s capabilities and suspect that the attack might not have been accidental. One top-level theory holds that someone in the Israeli armed forces ordered the Liberty sunk because he suspected it had taken down messages showing that Israel started the fighting.”

One could salute Newsweek’s brief moment of courage, but in one important respect the item was very wide of the mark. Everybody in Washington’s war-loop who needed to know did know that Israel had started the war and that President Johnson had given it the greenlight to do so.”

With the long reported story that President Lyndon Johnson was being blackmailed by Israel for his alleged affair with Mossad/Irgun operative, Matilda Krim and his approval, not only of the sneak attack on Egypt and Syria but the sinking, with all hands, of the USS Liberty, a task bungled by the Israeli navy and air forces, the entire basis for our view of Israel as an ally and our emotional attachment to Israel as a peaceful democratic nation is proven a lie.

Can 87 US Senators base their friendship and loyalty to Israel on their total ignorance of well established history, their willingness to overlook facts as long as campaign cash flows into their coffers? Have we gone this far? This answer is clear.

During World War II, Japanese were portrayed in films as evil incarnate, a systematic program of ethnic and racial dehumanization. This period is discussed in a dissertation on racial stereotyping in American film:

“At the height of anti-Asian sentiment during World War II, the United States imprisoned over 100,000 American citizens of Japanese descent in internment camps.

At the same time, the Japanese-American 442nd Infantry Unit was fighting in the European theater. These soldiers served with uncommon distinction, earning more combat decorations per man than any other unit in American history. Veterans returned home after the war to a country that was openly hostile to those of Asian descent.

This hostility was reflected in film and television, where clear stereotypes began to emerge defining ethnic lines of “good” Asians and “bad” Asians on film in response to Japan’s role in the Axis.

Predictably, Asian Americans actors would spend most of the war years cast as sinister Japanese, often in films now viewed with some embarrassment. There were still “good Asian” roles being written–but they were restricted to Caucasian actors while Asian Americans played the villains.”

With television superseding film as the primary medium of entertainment, with both film and television under the economic control of groups under the control of the Israel lobby, a repeat of “yellow peril” propaganda was inevitable. It is not an oversimplification that the Israeli lobby, a combination of AIPAC along with prominent Jewish Zionists in America, many of whom are dual Israeli citizens, control, not only the movie and television industry but either directly own or indirectly control both broadcast and print news media in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Australia and, increasingly, the Islamic world as well.

Where, as early as 1960, films like Exodus were produced specifically to create inaccurate perceptions of the founding of Israel, imprinting in the public a highly biased and unfair depiction of historical facts, today everything from TV drama to daily news is treated with oversimplification, prejudice, deeply paralleling the anti-Semitism of pre-World War II Europe and the United States. Using careful and calculated depictions of the holocaust coordinated with references to Palestinians or Muslims in general, using the established “psy-ops” methodology of “transference,” anger against Nazi Germany is transferred to condemnation of Islam and depiction of Palestinians. In particular, Palestinians, whose lot in Israel most reflects that of Jews subject to Nazi tyranny are tirelessly presented to the American public as criminals and terrorists bereft of humanity or any redeeming characteristic.

In today’s Hollywood, one of the surest ways to remain employed is to be able to play “vicious Arab terrorist” in a laughably cartoonish style. Roles are so plentiful that, on occasion, Islamic actors are actually used. Typically, however, as in Caroline Glick, of the Jerusalem Post’s satyric depictions of Muslims as terrorists in her video productions such as “We Conned the World,” Israeli’s play all Arab roles, particularly those that incite race hatred, a category the vast majority fall into.

It isn’t just Hollywood where Jews able to pass themselves off as Arab terrorist find work, as more and more Americans are learning, often to their dismay. All that is needed is a towel and a Kalashnikov or perhaps a box cutter…

Thus, the use of racial stereotypes, a vicious and unsavory practice once eliminated by the powerful Anti-Defamation League has been renewed with vigor, oddly, by the same Anti-Defamation League responsible for fighting stereotypes of Jews and African Americans. Rather than stressing positive depictions of Jews in the media, the ADL promotes negative racial and ethnic stereotypes of all Muslims as barbaric and often sub-human or Untermenschen.

The misconceptions that gained preeminence in the arena of foreign policy in the post 1967 War environment eventually gained a foothold in domestic politics as well with attitudes toward Israel representing clear divides between the schools of theory and belief espoused in Americas political arena, as defined by the mainstream media.

The biggest divide in America is between liberals and conservatives, groups whose divisions have paralyzed America politically and nearly pushed the country to civil war. Let’s carefully examine the most significant philosophical and political beliefs of each group:

Conservatives: Typically Christian Zionist, Jewish American or dual-citizen, very pro-Israel and anti-Islamic, this group supports continued deregulation of ”bankster”markets, strong opposition to immigration and immigrant rights, support for a strong military presence in the Middle East to support Israel and strong financial support for the State of Israel. Their primary voice is the “fair and balanced” conservative press. Conservatives dislike African Americans and don’t want to live around them.

Liberals: Typically Jewish educated elite, pro-Zionist, anti-Islamic, supporting deregulation of the “bankster” markets, strong opposition to immigration and immigrant rights, strong military presence in the Middle East to support Israel and strong financial support of the State of Israel. Their primary voice is the “liberal press.” Liberals like African Americans and don’t want to live around them.

1967. The year up became down, good became bad and Americans threw away law, honor and justice for a future filled with talk of values, patriotism and honor but fulfilling a promising of moral decline, foreign domination, deception and cruelty. This is the price of building history on a bed of lies.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

Punishing Turkey

June 24, 2010

Punishing Turkey

by Philip Giraldi, June 24, 2010
| Antiwar Forum
Does anyone remember the movie The Boys from Brazil?  It told the story of how a group of top Nazis had moved to Brazil where they made a number of clones of Hitler-as-a-child that were being strategically placed around the world to eventually bring about a Fourth Reich. The movie ended ambiguously, with many of the Hitler children still alive and evidently expected to eventually turn into Hitler adults.  The movie makers were clearly on to something because there have been a lot of Hitler sightings by Israel and its friends over the past few years.  Saddam Hussein was described as a new Hitler while Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been depicted in even more heinous terms as a reborn Nazi leader preparing a new Holocaust. 

More recently Israel demonstrators have displayed effigies of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan with the hairline altered and a moustache added to create a caricature of Hitler.
The Turkish prime minister’s Hitler-like leanings first appeared when he dared confront Israel’s President Shimon Peres at an international meeting in Davos in January 2009.  Referring to the slaughter of Gazan civilians earlier that month, Erdogan told Peres “…you know well how to kill.”  But if there was any lingering doubt, Erdogan definitely became Hitler through his support of the flotilla that sought to bring aid to Gaza three weeks ago followed by his denunciation of the massacre initiated by Israeli commandos. His diabolical intent was made manifest when he then demanded justice for the nine Turkish citizens who were murdered.  Hitlerization is the price one inevitably pays for criticizing Israel or opposing its policies.

Whenever Israel discovers that yet another foreign nation has turned Nazi and is intent on recreating the Holocaust, the American lap dog soon picks up the scent.  Andrew Sullivan has recently described the phenomenon as “Israel Derangement Syndrome,” which he describes as a “…form of derangement, or of such a passionate commitment to a foreign country that any and all normal moral rules or even basic fairness are jettisoned.  And you will notice one thing as well: no regret whatsoever for the loss of human life, just as the hideous murder of so many civilians in the Gaza war had to be the responsibility of the victims, not the attackers.  There is no sense of the human here; just the tribe.” 

The Gaza flotilla has been handled by the mainstream media in precisely that fashion – blaming the victim with a unanimity that overwhelms both justice and fairness.  No humanity, no mention of the deliberate attempt to starve Gaza most recently endorsed by alleged United States Senator from New York Charles Schumer who said “strangle them economically.”  Or, if one prefers the wisdom of Representative Eliot Engel, also from New York, the flotilla was “filled with hate-filled provocateurs bent on violence.”  Confronted by such hatred it is surprising that the Israeli commandos were so restrained, killing only nine passengers and wounding about forty more.

As the popular narrative in the media has unfolded, Turkey was the aggressor and Israel yet again the victim.  Turkey now has to be punished.  Congress is already considering passing the frequently shelved Armenian Genocide resolution and Representative Mike Spence warns “There will be a cost if Turkey stays on its present heading of growing closer to Iran and more antagonistic to the State of Israel.”  Representative Shelley Berkley agrees, saying that she would actively oppose Turkey’s attempt to join the European Union.   Just exactly how she will do that is not completely clear.

The American media and the punditry in Washington has obediently been lining up to condemn Ankara, using two basic arguments.  The first contention is that Turkey has become a stronghold of Islamism, is edging towards a political and economic alliance with Iran, and is even acting friendly to terrorism-supporting neighbors like Syria.  The second narrative is that Turkey is no longer reliable due to its support of initiatives like the flotilla and also its bid to negotiate a solution to the Iranian nuclear program dilemma.
Those who know Turkey well realize that the country’s Islamism is a reflection of the simple fact that many Turks are deeply religious.  It does not mean that Turkish democracy is dead and the desire to make the state more reflective of religious sentiment will be held in check by the many Turks in the judiciary and military who see themselves as guardians of the secular constitution. Educated Turks in liberal urban environments are also frequently not religious at all and many are hostile to expressions of piety.  It is absolutely in the United States’ national interest to encourage the development of political systems in Muslim majority countries that accommodate both democratic pluralism and religiosity.  Turkey is far from perfect but it is a good example of how such a system might develop and should be encouraged, not subject to criticism that really has nothing to do with the Turks themselves and everything to do with Israel.

As for the claim that Turkey is sliding eastward, Turks have always seen themselves as a bridge between east and west and establishing a modus vivendi with one’s neighbors is just good politics and good business in the Near East.  As for the charge that Turkey is no longer reliable, one only has to note that nearly the entire world excepting only Israel supports the lifting of the siege of Gaza while many nations welcomed Turkey and Brazil’s initiative to resolve the stand-off over Iran’s nuclear ambitions.  The United States, inevitably lining up in support of Israel and seemingly willing to go to war with Iran on Tel Aviv’s behalf, is, as usual, politically isolated in its support of policies that will go nowhere and accomplish nothing.

The hysteria about Turkey is, if anything, more intense at the various neocon think tanks and in their websites on the internet where leading supporters of Israel are calling not only for punishing Turkey but also for kicking it out of NATO.  The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) has led the charge.  JINSA is the home base of leading neocons to include John Bolton, Michael Ledeen, Joshua Muravchik, Richard Perle and Kenneth Timmerman.  A JINSA report issued on June 8th cited Turkey for its “anti-Semitic ravings” and recommended that Washington “seriously consider suspending military cooperation…as a prelude to removing it” from NATO.  The hue and cry was shortly thereafter picked up by the other neocon heroes who continue to feature on the mainstream media in spite of their inability to get anything right.  The National Review Online’s Victor Davis Hanson called Turkey a “…sponsor of Hamas, ally of theocratic Iran, and fellow traveler with terrorist sponsoring Syria” conditions that are “antithetical to its NATO membership.”  Professor Eliot Cohen of Johns Hopkins University added in a June 7th Wall Street Journal op-ed that “A combination of Islamist rule, resentment at exclusion from Europe, and a neo-Ottomanist ideology that envisions Turkey as a great power in the Middle East have made Turkey a state that is often plainly hostile not only to Israel but to American aims and interests.”

In a Weekly Standard article on June 21st, Elliot Abrams chimed in with more of the same, observing that “it’s obvious that our formerly reliable NATO ally Turkey has become a staunch supporter of the radical camp. In the flotilla incident, it not only sided with but also sought to strengthen the terrorist group Hamas.”  As always the neocons speak with one voice in defense of Israel, making it appear that the entire process is orchestrated, which, of course, it is.  Will the neocons marginalize Ankara and succeed in forcing Turkey out of NATO?  Difficult to say, but one should fully expect moves by Congress to do just that or to pressure Turkey in such a way as to make Ankara withdraw from the alliance.

Turkey is a vital strategic partner for Washington. With its large population and thriving economy, it might well be the indispensible nation in the arc of states running from the Mediterranean to central Asia.  It has a long history of friendship towards the United States combined with a national interest that compels it to encourage stability among the countries that it borders and more broadly throughout the Middle East.  In spite of misgivings about specific policies, it houses a major US airbase at Incirlik and has supported Washington’s nation building efforts in Afghanistan.  But now it must be punished because it has crossed the line by opposing the kleptocracy Israel.  And it will be punished, first pilloried in the US media, a process which is underway right now, and then by the US Congress and White House, which will together find some subtle and not-so-subtle ways to bring Ankara to heel.  And the loser in all of this will be the American people, who will alienate a good and staunch friend in the Middle East and make another unnecessary enemy.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

>Hitler was a Godsend for Israel

March 19, 2010


Red Ice Creations
2009 08 18

By Henry Makow

If Hitler didn’t exist, the Zionists would have had to create him. Maybe they did.

The numbers (from Edwin Black’s The Transfer Agreement) tell the story. In 1927, about 15,000 of Germany’s 550,000 Jews considered themselves Zionists. That’s less than 2%.

The vast majority of German Jews “vehemently rejected Zionism as an enemy from within.” Eighty thousand had fought in the trenches and 12,000 had died. “Nowhere was the opposition of Jews [to Zionism] so widespread, principled, and fierce as in Germany,” a Zionist historian wrote. (168)

Thanks to Hitler, 60,000 German Jews emigrated to Israel between 1933 and 1941. Thanks to a “Transfer Agreement” between Nazis and Zionists, Jewish property valued at $100 million was transferred to Israel in the form of German industrial exports used to build Israel’s infrastructure.

This at a time when there were only 200,000 Jews in Palestine, many anti- Zionist religious Jews. The daily wage of a Jewish worker in Palestine was $1 a day.

Thanks to Hitler
Thanks to Hitler, the kernel of the German Jewish community was lifted up and transferred to Palestine along with their property. “Many of these people were allowed to transfer actual replicas of their homes and factories –indeed rough replicas of their very existences.” (379)

In 1937, when the British proposed dividing Palestine into two states, the Nazis wondered if they hadn’t made a mistake by creating “a Jewish Vatican” dedicated to Germany’s demise. But Hitler overruled all dissenters and insisted the Transfer Agreement be continued and even expanded to other countries. (376)

Hitler hated Jews so much he built a country for them. He could have taken all their property and kicked them out but that would have been anti-Semitic.

What did he get out of it? Well the Zionists actually expanded Nazi trade by reselling German goods throughout the Middle East. Yes, they didn’t just trade with the Nazis, they acted as their agents. The Nazis also got a lot of Jaffa oranges and got rid of a lot of Jews.

The World Jewish Congress had to act pretty offended because they had a world boycott of Germany goods. But this only endeared the doughty Zionists to the Nazis. And gave the Nazis an excuse to boycott and persecute German Jews.

Zionist-Nazi Cooperation
As soon as the Nazis assumed power in 1933, the Zionists gained a visibly protected political status. After the Reichstag fire, the Nazis crushed virtually all political opposition and closed 600 newspapers. But not the Zionists nor their newspaper which was hawked from every street corner, and saw its circulation multiply five times to 38,000. Zionism was “the only separate political philosophy sanctioned by the Third Reich.” (174)

The Zionist uniform was the only non-Nazi uniform allowed in Germany. Same with their flag. Hebrew was mandated in Jewish schools. Still German Jews wanted to stay in Germany “even as second class citizens, even reviled and persecuted.” (175) But the Zionists scorned the German Jews saying they deserved to be persecuted for wanting to assimilate.

Zionists pandered to the Nazis comparing their racial ideologies: “a common fate and tribal consciousness must be of of decisive importance in developing a lifestyle for Jews too.” (175)

This explains how ” a fringe minority of German Jews took emergency custody of 550,000 men, women and children…” Black says. This was confirmation “of what Diaspora Jews had always feared about Zionism–it would be used as the legal and moral pretext for forcing Jews out of European society.” (177)

It explains also why Israel behaves like Nazi Germany. They have a common racist pedigree. Not only did the Nazis build Israel, but Israel built Nazi Germany by providing an export market. They worked together. Many Jews didn’t get all their money when they arrived in Israel. Thus, the Zionists participated directly in the looting of Europe’s Jews which was called “Aryanization.”

Increasingly Israelis, and Jews in general, are realizing that Zionism is a ruse and Israel’s behavior bears an uncany resemblance to Nazi Germany’s. For example, Israeli academic Yeshayahu Leibowitz says everything Israel has done since 1967 is “either evil stupidity or stupid evil.” He refers to the Israeli army as “Judeo-Nazi.”

This is not the place to show how Hitler was put into power by Anglo-American (i.e. Illuminati and Jewish) finance, the same people who created Communism and Zionism. But it is the place for Jews and Americans to consider this lesson. Events are created in order to brainwash and manipulate people to advance the agenda of the New World Order.
Jews were uprooted. massacred and robbed in order to build the capital of Rothschild world government in Israel. Americans are dying in Iraq and Afghanistan and some day Iran to stamp out Islam. Economic turmoil is making desperate people embrace world government socialism. And so on…

Related Articles

1933: Zionists sign a deal with Hitler – The Transfer Agreement (Video)
Judea Declares War on Germany: A Critical Look at the Holocaust and WWII
David Irving – Churchill’s War (Video)
Auschwitz Survivor Claims Elie Wiesel is an Impostor
SSPX Order Member Bishop Richard Williamson’s Interview and Holocaust Denial Videos
Ernst Zundel – Modern Day Galileo
The Hypocrisy of Canada’s “Tolerance”
The Macabre Holocaust Numbers Game
The Holocaust (Wikipedia)
The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics
Pope Defends WWII Pontiff’s Role
The Road From Rome
On Top Of Mount Zion, All Coveted By Rome
The Gulag Archipelago
The Origins Of Modern Zionism – Part 1
French Rothschild Branch Behind the Planned Genocide Of Armenians
The Transfer Agreement by Edwin Black
David Irving – Truth in History (Video)
SSPX Order Member Bishop Richard Williamson’s Interview and Holocaust Denial Videos
The Balfour Declaration & the Treaty of Versailles
Zionism, Israel & Shabbetai Tzvi
One Third of the Holocaust
Was Hitler a “British” Agent?
The Final Solution To Adolph Hitler
How Bush’s Grandfather Helped Hitler’s Rise To Power
Stalin’s Secret Files On Hitler
Bush – Nazi Link Confirmed
The Rothschilds and their “Nazi” Pope
Hitler didn’t want world war
Illuminati Used Appeasement to Trick Hitler
Did Bormann Run Hitler for the Illuminati?
Hitler’s Gestapo Chief Became Top Truman Advisor
The “Ugly” Cause of World War Two
Red Ice Radio – Greg Hallett – Hitler Was a British Agent & New Zealand Corruption
Red Ice Radio – Henry Makow – Free Speech Threatened in Canada, Zionism & The Elite Satanic Bankers

Hitler was a Godsend for Israel

March 19, 2010
Red Ice Creations
2009 08 18

By Henry Makow

If Hitler didn’t exist, the Zionists would have had to create him. Maybe they did.

The numbers (from Edwin Black’s The Transfer Agreement) tell the story. In 1927, about 15,000 of Germany’s 550,000 Jews considered themselves Zionists. That’s less than 2%.

The vast majority of German Jews “vehemently rejected Zionism as an enemy from within.” Eighty thousand had fought in the trenches and 12,000 had died. “Nowhere was the opposition of Jews [to Zionism] so widespread, principled, and fierce as in Germany,” a Zionist historian wrote. (168)

Thanks to Hitler, 60,000 German Jews emigrated to Israel between 1933 and 1941. Thanks to a “Transfer Agreement” between Nazis and Zionists, Jewish property valued at $100 million was transferred to Israel in the form of German industrial exports used to build Israel’s infrastructure.

This at a time when there were only 200,000 Jews in Palestine, many anti- Zionist religious Jews. The daily wage of a Jewish worker in Palestine was $1 a day.

Thanks to Hitler
Thanks to Hitler, the kernel of the German Jewish community was lifted up and transferred to Palestine along with their property. “Many of these people were allowed to transfer actual replicas of their homes and factories –indeed rough replicas of their very existences.” (379)

In 1937, when the British proposed dividing Palestine into two states, the Nazis wondered if they hadn’t made a mistake by creating “a Jewish Vatican” dedicated to Germany’s demise. But Hitler overruled all dissenters and insisted the Transfer Agreement be continued and even expanded to other countries. (376)

Hitler hated Jews so much he built a country for them. He could have taken all their property and kicked them out but that would have been anti-Semitic.

What did he get out of it? Well the Zionists actually expanded Nazi trade by reselling German goods throughout the Middle East. Yes, they didn’t just trade with the Nazis, they acted as their agents. The Nazis also got a lot of Jaffa oranges and got rid of a lot of Jews.

The World Jewish Congress had to act pretty offended because they had a world boycott of Germany goods. But this only endeared the doughty Zionists to the Nazis. And gave the Nazis an excuse to boycott and persecute German Jews.

Zionist-Nazi Cooperation
As soon as the Nazis assumed power in 1933, the Zionists gained a visibly protected political status. After the Reichstag fire, the Nazis crushed virtually all political opposition and closed 600 newspapers. But not the Zionists nor their newspaper which was hawked from every street corner, and saw its circulation multiply five times to 38,000. Zionism was “the only separate political philosophy sanctioned by the Third Reich.” (174)

The Zionist uniform was the only non-Nazi uniform allowed in Germany. Same with their flag. Hebrew was mandated in Jewish schools. Still German Jews wanted to stay in Germany “even as second class citizens, even reviled and persecuted.” (175) But the Zionists scorned the German Jews saying they deserved to be persecuted for wanting to assimilate.

Zionists pandered to the Nazis comparing their racial ideologies: “a common fate and tribal consciousness must be of of decisive importance in developing a lifestyle for Jews too.” (175)

This explains how ” a fringe minority of German Jews took emergency custody of 550,000 men, women and children…” Black says. This was confirmation “of what Diaspora Jews had always feared about Zionism–it would be used as the legal and moral pretext for forcing Jews out of European society.” (177)

It explains also why Israel behaves like Nazi Germany. They have a common racist pedigree. Not only did the Nazis build Israel, but Israel built Nazi Germany by providing an export market. They worked together. Many Jews didn’t get all their money when they arrived in Israel. Thus, the Zionists participated directly in the looting of Europe’s Jews which was called “Aryanization.”

Increasingly Israelis, and Jews in general, are realizing that Zionism is a ruse and Israel’s behavior bears an uncany resemblance to Nazi Germany’s. For example, Israeli academic Yeshayahu Leibowitz says everything Israel has done since 1967 is “either evil stupidity or stupid evil.” He refers to the Israeli army as “Judeo-Nazi.”

This is not the place to show how Hitler was put into power by Anglo-American (i.e. Illuminati and Jewish) finance, the same people who created Communism and Zionism. But it is the place for Jews and Americans to consider this lesson. Events are created in order to brainwash and manipulate people to advance the agenda of the New World Order.
Jews were uprooted. massacred and robbed in order to build the capital of Rothschild world government in Israel. Americans are dying in Iraq and Afghanistan and some day Iran to stamp out Islam. Economic turmoil is making desperate people embrace world government socialism. And so on…

Related Articles

1933: Zionists sign a deal with Hitler – The Transfer Agreement (Video)
Judea Declares War on Germany: A Critical Look at the Holocaust and WWII
David Irving – Churchill’s War (Video)
Auschwitz Survivor Claims Elie Wiesel is an Impostor
SSPX Order Member Bishop Richard Williamson’s Interview and Holocaust Denial Videos
Ernst Zundel – Modern Day Galileo
The Hypocrisy of Canada’s “Tolerance”
The Macabre Holocaust Numbers Game
The Holocaust (Wikipedia)
The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics
Pope Defends WWII Pontiff’s Role
The Road From Rome
On Top Of Mount Zion, All Coveted By Rome
The Gulag Archipelago
The Origins Of Modern Zionism – Part 1
French Rothschild Branch Behind the Planned Genocide Of Armenians
The Transfer Agreement by Edwin Black
David Irving – Truth in History (Video)
SSPX Order Member Bishop Richard Williamson’s Interview and Holocaust Denial Videos
The Balfour Declaration & the Treaty of Versailles
Zionism, Israel & Shabbetai Tzvi
One Third of the Holocaust
Was Hitler a “British” Agent?
The Final Solution To Adolph Hitler
How Bush’s Grandfather Helped Hitler’s Rise To Power
Stalin’s Secret Files On Hitler
Bush – Nazi Link Confirmed
The Rothschilds and their “Nazi” Pope
Hitler didn’t want world war
Illuminati Used Appeasement to Trick Hitler
Did Bormann Run Hitler for the Illuminati?
Hitler’s Gestapo Chief Became Top Truman Advisor
The “Ugly” Cause of World War Two
Red Ice Radio – Greg Hallett – Hitler Was a British Agent & New Zealand Corruption
Red Ice Radio – Henry Makow – Free Speech Threatened in Canada, Zionism & The Elite Satanic Bankers

HART: Anti-Semitism – Zionist myth v truth and reality

March 14, 2010

Via A4P
March 12, 2010

zionists cause antisemitism sign
by Alan Hart  –  15 March 2010

There are two definitions of anti-Semitism in its Jewish context. One was born in real history and represents a truth. The other is part and parcel of Zionist mythology and was invented for the purpose of blackmailing non-Jewish Europeans and North Americans into refraining from criticising Israel or, to be more precise, staying silent when its leaders resort to state terrorism and demonstrate in many ways their absolute contempt for international law.

Anti-Semitism properly and honestly defined is prejudice against and loathing and even hatred of Jews, all Jews everywhere, just because they are Jews.

Anti-Semitism as defined by Zionism, the colonial, ethnic cleansing enterprise of some Jews, has come to mean almost all criticism of Israel’s policies and actions, in particular its oppression of the Palestinians, and, also, criticism on the basis of revelations from the documented truth of history which expose Zionism’s propaganda for the nonsense it is. Put another way, anti-Semitism as defined by supporters of Israel right or wrong is anything written or said by anybody that challenges and contradicts Zionism’s version of events. In effect Zionists say, “If you disagree with us, you’re anti-Semitic.”

As a blackmail card to silence criticism of Israel and prevent informed and honest debate about who must do what and why for justice and peace in the Middle East, Zionism’s false charge of anti-Semitism has worked wonderfully well to date. Why? In the long (and still present) shadow of the obscenity of the Nazi holocaust, a European crime for which, effectively, the Arabs were punished, there are few things Westerners in public life, politicians and media people especially, fear more than being accused of anti-Semitism.

Unable to refute the substance of documented and objective messages of challenge and criticism, Zionism’s policy always was, and still is, to shoot the messengers with false charges of anti-Semitism.

For complete understanding of what anti-Semitism is and is not, it’s necessary to know what Zionism is and is not.

Zionism claims to be the nationalist movement of the Jews, all Jews everywhere. If this was so, the assertion that anti-Zionism is almost by definition a manifestation of anti-Semitism might appear to have a degree of credibility. But this Zionist claim does not bear examination.

As I document in detail in my book Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews, the truth is that from Zionism’s foundation in 1897 until the Nazi holocaust, its colonial enterprise was endorsed and supported by only a tiny minority of the world’s Jews and was opposed by many of them.

Also true is that from Israel’s unilateral declaration of independence in 1948 until the final countdown to the 1967 war, most Jews of the world had no great affinity with Israel. That changed when most Jews believed – because they were conditioned by Zionism and the mainstream Western media to believe – that poor little Israel was in danger of annihilation. In that light Israel’s stunning victory was a source of great pride for most Jews of the world.

Though most Jews didn’t and still don’t want to know it, the truth was different. The Arabs did not attack first and were not intending to attack. The 1967 war was one of Israeli aggression.

Today much  of what supporters of Israel right or wrong claim to be anti-Semitism is actually anti-Israelism, which in my view is best described as anti-Zionism. And contrary to the assertions of Zionism’s spin doctors, anti-Zionism is not by definition anti-Semitism.

Short or long, any discussion of anti-Semitism should include the fact that Zionism needs it. The first to acknowledge this was none other than Theodore Herzl, Zionism’s founding father. In one of his diaries, not published until 1962, Herzl wrote the following:

Anti-Semitism is a propelling force which, like the wave of the future, will bring Jews into the promised land. Anti-Semitism has grown and continues to grow – and so do I.”

He was right. Without the anti-Semitism unleashed by Adolf Hitler in his Germany and Nazi occupied Europe, Zionism’s colonial enterprise would have been doomed to failure for lack of enough Jewish support.
Today Zionism needs anti-Semitism or what it can present as anti-Semitism to go on justifying its policies and actions.

Any discussion of anti-Semitism should also take note of the words of Yehoshafat Harkabi, Israel’s longest serving Director of Military Intelligence. In his book Israel’s Fateful Hour, he wrote: “I believe it was a damaging error on Menachem Begin’s part to insinuate that criticism of Israel is a manifestation of anti-Semitism.” In the same book Harkabi gave this warning:

“Israel is the criterion according to which all Jews will tend to be judged. Israel as a Jewish state is an example of the Jewish character, which finds free and concentrated expression within it. Anti-Semitism has deep and historical roots. Nevertheless, any flaw in Israeli conduct, which initially is cited as anti-Israelism, is likely to be transformed into empirical proof of the validity of anti-Semitism. It would be a tragic irony if the Jewish state, which was intended to solve the problem of anti-Semitism, was to become a factor in the rise of anti-Semitism. Israelis must be aware that the price of their misconduct is paid not only by them but also Jews throughout the world.”

From the early 1980’s when those words were written, Israel’s “misconduct” has been the prime cause in the rise of what Zionism presents as anti-Semitism but which is actually anti-Israelism/anti-Zionism. Today the biggest danger to the Jews of the world is, as Harkabi warned, that anti-Israelism/anti-Zionism will be transformed into anti-Semitism, with the consequence at some point of another great turning against Jews.
My own view is that such a catastrophe will happen unless the citizens of the mainly Gentile Western world among whom most Jews live are made aware of the difference between Judaism and Zionism. As I have previously written and never tire of repeating, knowledge of this difference is the key to understanding two things.

One is why it is perfectly possible to be passionately anti-Zionist (opposed to Zionism’s still on-going colonial enterprise) without being in any way, shape or form anti-Semitic.

The other is why it is wrong to blame all Jews everywhere for the crimes of the hardest core Zionist few in Israel.
In my analysis, the day when citizens of the Western world understand those two things and what anti-Semitism is and is not, is the day that will mark the beginning of the end of Zionism’s freedom and ability to impose its will on the Palestinians, the whole of the Arab world and the governments of the major Western powers, and to remain above and beyond international law.

Alan Hart is a former ITN and BBC Panorama foreign correspondent who covered wars and conflicts wherever they were taking place in the world and specialized in the Middle East. Author of Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews. He blogs on and tweets on

River to Sea
 Uprooted Palestinian


February 8, 2010

February 8, 2010 at 10:19 am (Uncategorized)

NOT by Palestinians against Jews…… Jews themselves against Jews. BELIEVE IT OR NOT!

In Germany, actions such as the following would probably result in jail terms for those involved…. In Israel however, it seems quite the norm for fascists to show off their true colours….

Israeli Extremists Shout ‘Hitler Was Right’

Anyone who knows much about Israeli politics knows the kind of white-hot far-right anger displayed in this astonishing video. But it’s good to have one’s sense of outrage refreshed every so often to see such Israeli fascism in full eruption.

A word of context: make no mistake, this is not the view of the majority of Israelis, not nearly. But it is the view of enough that it is deeply frightening and poses a real danger for Israeli democracy. These are the Jack Titles of Israel and seeing them on video reminds us of the real violence of which they are capable. You’ll also learn some choice tidbits of Hebrew curses and scatology from the ranters.

These charming gentlemen are harrassing one of the weekly Friday demonstrations by Israeli peace activists in Sheikh Jarrah against the evictions of long-time Arab residents of that neighborhood from their homes.


River to Sea
 Uprooted Palestinian

" Ich habe es nicht gewusst !" "I did not know it "

January 4, 2010


Adolf´s personal-body- guard ,
had never heard of the concentrations- camps .
“Ich habe es nicht gewusst”
translation :
“I did not know it
At the end of the second world war
when the secrets about the Concentrations Camps
were becoming a wide public knowledge… .
Many Germans and also the right-wing-European s
said : Ich habe es nicht gewusst !!
  In the year 2014 when Husny Mubarak
shall stand trial for his deeds
he shall say to the ruling judge :
Ana ma kontish baaraf haga !!
which means :
Ich habe es nicht gewusst !!
which means :
I did know anything about Gaza´s suffering
which means :
History cannot judge the accomplice of Nathaniahu
which means :
the dog of the hangman….. … can also be innocent ..
By the way ,
Hitler´s Body-Guard who was with him ,
even until the Berlin-Bunker- episode ,
and was even operating the direct and personal
telephone of Adolf
also said :
Ich habe es nicht gewusst !!
and so he got only 10 years prison, in Russia.
 this Body-Guard was married
to a Jewish-German- Lady
and he also said ;   I did not know it “
that his own wife was a Jew.
   Just in case Husny Mubarak really  “does not know”
could the Mole  reading , regularly, my mail
pass it on to Husny ??
Please do that !!
…………  Thank you Joe !!
Raja Chemayel
trying today to sky in the Alps,looking for the snow
but I did not know about the Global-Warming
so I am boring the Hotel Barmaid with my jokes….all afternoon


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