Archive for the ‘Resistance’ Category

Lebanese Update

April 8, 2013

Daniel Mabsout,


The nomination of Tammam Salam – as Lebanese PM – was sponsored by KSA who wanted to see a moderate Muslim at the head of the Lebanese government , a person that would not be considered challenging to the pro Resistance forces in Lebanon. KSA is waiting for the outcome of the war on Syria like everybody and Lebanon is kept on the waiting list, and- in order to spend this time – Salam seems to be the best candidate .The Resistance forces have accepted this nomination that will help to bring unity to the country .

This nomination had also for effect to dismantle the alliance established by the three people in power who are : Druze leader Jumblatt and the President of the Republic who is number one loser in this deal and the resigned prime minister Mikati who is the other loser .. This will have for effect to unite again the Sunni community , that has been greatly infiltrated by Salafis and fanatics and Qa’ida people who are creating havoc especially in the north and they represent only 2% OF THE POPULATION IN TRIPOLI FOR EXAMPLE. This bringing together of the Sunni community under a moderate leader will make up for the damage made by Hariri – not only to the community- but the country itself . All communities in Lebanon are witnessing this coming together , the Christians are meeting under the patronage of the Maronite Cardinal and decided to stand together to defend their rights especially after witnessing what has happened to the Christian community in Syria . The difficult step would be the forming of the cabinet that will group all factions and the consecration of a new law that will organize the coming parliamentary elections which are expected in summer and which will be decisive in determining the winner .

All this but Lebanese troubles are not over yet . Lebanon has become the headquarters for many opposition factions in Syria . It seems that the killing of Sheikh al Bouti was arranged in Lebanon by al Qa’ida and four of the major leaders have decided to take Lebanon as a platform and to liquidate every Sunni Sheikh that stands against the Salafis in Lebanon ; among the targeted ones : Sheikh Maher Hammoud Pro resistance Sunni Imam of Sidon. The Qa’ida leaders also decided to start recruiting people and establish training camps in the north . These opposition factions are taking advantage of the fact that the Lebanese society is divided over main issues . Finally, the outcome of the war on Syria will have great repercussions on everything in Lebanon .

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

On Hezbollah preventing Sunna from fighting Israel!!!!

April 5, 2013

عن حزب الله الذي منع السنة من قتال اسرائيل

في الثاني من حزيران يونيو ألفين وستة هاجم زعيم التكفيريين في العراق أبو مصعب الزرقاوي حزب الله والشيعة، واتهمهم بأنهم أصبحوا غطاء يمنع المجاهدين السنة من قتال إسرائيل، ترى لو أخبرت حوريات السماء الزرقاوي اليوم أن أتباعه يقاتلون الجيش السوري في القنيطرة بحماية إسرائيل فما الذي سيقوله؟

ولو عرف أن تنظيم القاعدة في العراق يعسكر في شبعا اللبنانية على حدود فلسطين وسورية ولكنه لا يهاجم الاحتلال، بل يتعاون معه للمرور عبر مواقع الإسرائيليين لمهاجمة الجيش العربي السوري، ثم يذهب جرحى القاعدة إلى فلسطين المحتلة للطبابة، لو عرف الزرقاوي ذلك فهل كان سيقول مقولته تلك؟!

الأميركيون واستخدام المذهبية لحماية إسرائيل
لا يمكن لمستعمر أن يخترع في نفوسنا الغرائز، ولكنه يستطيع استخدام الموجود وإحياء الميت وتجديد التراث، تاريخنا دموي في جزئيته المذهبية، ورواسب الحقد الطائفي ليست ابنة السياسة الأميركية، ولكن الأميركيين عرفوا كيف يصعدونها في نفوس من لم يسمع بها من قبل فأصبحت الأجيال الجديدة في القرن الحادي والعشرين شبيهة بأولئك الذين قتلو عثمانا وعليا وعمر والحسين، وأصبحت قياداته نسخا عن الجزار الحجاج بن يوسف الثقفي.

بعيد الانسحاب الصهيوني الأول من جنوب لبنان، تدارس الباحثون في المنظمات المعنية بالدراسات في الغرب وفي الكيان الصهيوني أمر المقاومة في لبنان للوصول إلى أجوبة على سؤال كبير كان مطروحا على الإسرائيليين : ماذا بعد …؟

اتخذ هذا السؤال أبعاده الوجودية بعد العام 2000 ثم صار هاجسا ملحا بعد حرب تموز صيف العام 2006، ولم يتأخر الجواب.

لم تذهب دماء ميشال سورا هدرا، ولا ضاعت جهود المستشرقين الغربيين سدى، فهؤلاء أتوا إلى بلادنا لدراستنا وأكملوا مهمتهم على كافة المستويات، فدراساتهم للشرق ولأهله ولأنماط جمعية لشخصيات شعوبه وضعت الأساس العلمي لمواجهة خطر تحول حزب الله اللبناني إلى نموذج تحتذي الشعوب العربية به وبخطواته المقاومة. تلك الأمة العربية المهزومة دائما أمام الغرب! وحتى حين تنتصر كانت تحتاج لنموذج منتصر وقد حصلت عليه وهو ما خشيت منه أميركا وأرعب إسرائيل.

نقطة ضعف حزب الله أنه شيعي، وحرصه على شيعيته بديهي، ولكنه يشكل في المعنى الاستراتيجي النافذة التي يطل منها الغربيون على سلاح يحاربون به النموذج لا الحزب الأصلي فقط.

الشيعة أقلية بين المسلمين، ولا يشكلون بالنسبة للعرب سوى أقل من عشرة بالمئة من تعدادهم، وهم موجودون بشكل فاعل في بلدان عربية قليلة، هي لبنان والعراق والبحرين والكويت والسعودية. أي أنهم بهذا المعنى لا يشكلون أي خطر على الأمة العربية ولا على دولها المتفرقة، هذا إذا ما سلمنا بان التنوع المذهبي في أي بلد خطر على أغلبيته الدينية أو المذهبية أو الإثنية.
كان شمعون بيريز سباقا في رؤيته لحل يدرأ الخطر المتصاعد من نموذج المقاومة اللبنانية، وعلى رأسها حزب الله ومن خلفها إيران. إذ لا شيء في إيران الثورة الإسلامية يخيف أميركا قدر ما مثّله مشهد إنزال العلم الإسرائيلي عن سفارة الكيان في طهران واستبداله بعلم فلسطين.

قال شمعون بيريز في كتابه عن الشرق الأوسط الكبير : ” التحالف الاقتصادي هو الطريق لحل المشاكل في الشرق الأوسط (ص 80 طبعة 1994)”.

ثم طور بيريز خطابه التصالحي مع العرب، والمبني على فكرة اندماج إسرائيل في الشرق الأوسط الكبيرفصار يردد خطابه المعروف في عشرات المناسبات:

“التحالف السني العربي المعتدل مع إسرائيل ضد الخطر الأصولي الذي يجذب مليار مسلم وتغذيه إيران سيمنع الخطر عن الطرفين (سنة العرب والصهاينة)، وهي الطريقة الوحيدة لإحلال السلام الدائم في الشرق الاوسط”!!

أساس التفكير الذي وضعه بيريز ليس جديدا، فقد تبناه عبدالله الاردني وحفيده الحسين من بعده، ولكن الجديد هو توجيهه ضد طرف ثالث وتبنيه من قبل الحكومات كسياسة احتواء لخطر النموذج المقاوم الذي انتقل من لبنان إلى فلسطين بالعدوى الثقافية الرافضة للخوف والمؤمنة بالقدرة على الانتصار، فأصبح هذا التوجيه على رأس استراتيجيات حرب ناعمة أميركية، تشمل خوض معارك إعلامية وترويجية ونفسية بأدوات دول عظمى في الإعلام والتجنيد، كما هي أميركا العظمى بالعسكر والمال والسياسة.
وضعت الولايات المتحدة ومعظم دول الغرب نصب عينيها قضية احتواء العقل المقاوم كهدف أول للحرب الناعمة على شعوب الشرق، كانت أولى الخطوات إشعال جذوة المذهبية السنية ضد الحالة المقاومة الشيعية، فكانت السياسة الأميركية في العراق مصداق لما نظّر له الباحثون عن التناقض التاريخي السني الشيعي القادر على تحويل القدوة إلى شيطان.

البند الثاني في الاستراتيجية الاميركية
تلميع نماذج مهادنة مع إسرائيل ولها صبغة إسلامية (مثل حزب الله) ولكنها مناقضة له مذهبيا، فحاولوا مع حماس ولم ينجحوا حتى العام 2012 حين اصطفت الأخيرة مع تنظيمها الأم (الإخوان المسلمون) في حلف جديد مع السياسات الأميركية علنا ومع الإسرائيلية ضمنا، ولو من باب المهادنة الفعلية والتحرش الكلامي. من هذا المنطلق وجدت الولايات المتحدة ضالتها النموذجية في رجب طيب أردوغان وحزبه الذي يحمل راية إسلامية ويقبل جيرة إسرائيل ومستعد للتحالف معها.

إذن.. في مقابل صور السيد نصرالله المرفوعة في القاهرة عام 2006، نجحت السياسات الأميركية المنظمة والمدروسة والممولة جيدا بتسخير الإعلام العربي بكافة أنواعه لتسويق نموذج يحتذى به عن الزعيم المنتظر، ووضعت للرجل صورة في العقل الباطن للجماهير، تعيد صورة الفاتحين المسلمين الأوائل إلى أذهان المنهزمين. وهكذا صار السلطان رجب طيب أردوغان هو النموذج البطولي، وليس حسن نصر الله الذي أعلنها صريحة في العام 2006:
لا أريد أن أكون زعيما عربيا! (ولو توفرت الظروف الموضوعية والإمكانيات الترويجية ولو خصص سماحته لكل بلد عربي متابعات تراتبية دقيقة لشؤونه لنال ولاء شعوب تلك البلاد، وخاصة لو أنه أعلن عن حائط نفسي يسد به ذرائع مكفري الشيعة من مثل إعلان صريح عن عقائده الشخصية الرافضة لكل ما يدين به الوهابيون الشيعة من خرافات وتلفيقات، ولو حصل ذلك وجرى تنسيق وترتيب فريق متخصص في التسويق والترويج والتخطيط لترسيخ تلك الزعامة العربية، لكانت الحرب المذهبية التي تشنها الولايات المتحدة أصعب على الأميركيين من السهولة التي نفذوها بها. كسب سماحة السيد نصر الله زعامته العربية بانتصاره العظيم على الجيش الصهيوني ولكنه خسرها بجهد أميركي منظم ما كان لينجح لولا أنه لعب في الملاعب العربية الشعبية وحده دون خصم أو حكم).
في المقابل، تصاعدت الجهود الأميركية التي سخرت العربان لخدمتها، فنجحوا بجهدهم الجماعي وبتقاعس أعدائهم وقصورهم عن مجاراة الأميركيين في سرعة اختراقهم للعقل العربي الجماعي بالدعاية المذهبية. هكذا حتى دخلت سورية في طور المخاض التاريخي نحو الأزمة الحالية، فتحولت صورة المقاومة اللبنانية إلى الضحية الأولى على مذبح الطائفيين المذهبيين في سورية.


لم يتعلق شعب عربي بالسيد حسن نصر الله كما تعلق به الشعب السوري، ومع بداية الأزمة تكثفت الحملة الإعلامية المدعومة أمريكيا، لا لمحاربة النظام فقط، بل ولشيطنة حزب الله أيضا، هكذا تحولت المقاومة من نموذج حضاري يرغب العرب شعبيا في الحذو حذوه في مقاتلة إسرائيل ، لتصبح هذه المقاومة بفعل الإعلام الأمريكي روحا والعربي لسانا، شيطانا مذهبيا تنبغي محاربته.

النجاح نسبي ولكنه كبير، ورغم وجود نخب مدنية وعلمانية وعلمائية إسلامية لا تزال عصية على التدجين الأميركي، لكنها لا تمثل سوى أقل من ربع التيارات الشعبية الفاعلة في عموم البلاد العربية على أحسن تقدير.

كيف نجح الاميركيون في شيطنة المقاومة في لبنان؟ ولماذا تأخر المقاومون في الرد على التحدي الأميركي؟

هناك ظروف موضوعية وتاريخية لا يمكن تجاوزها، فالتراث الإسلامي حقيقي وموجود ويزخر بتكفير الشيعة، وحزب الله وإيران شيعة ويفاخرون بذلك ولم يقوموا بخطوات تحصن شيعيتهم شعبيا عند السنة ولو من قبيل الدعاية الثقافية! وحتى لما قاموا ببعضها جاءت الأفعال متأخرة!!

نعم.. تأخرت إيران كثيرا في إصدار فتوى تحريم الإساءة إلى الصحابة!

  • تأخرت إيران حتى اللحظة في كشف حقيقة مع يشاع عن اضطهاد السنة في الجمهورية الإسلامية!

  • تأخر حزب الله وزعيمه في إصدار فتاوى أو قرارات حزبية تساير وتناغي العقل الباطن للسنة المعتدلين!

  • رفض حزب الله دعم وتأطير معارضة سنية فعالة للنفوذ الأميركي داخل التيارات الشعبية السنية في لبنان!

  • حِرص حزب الله على علاقاته مع التيارات الأصولية السنية، ورفْضه الاعتماد على العلمانيين لمواجهة المتطرفين! فلما وقعت الواقعة الأميركية المذهبية ضده في سورية انقلب الأصوليون على حزب الله وبقي المعتدلون والعلمانيون ضعافا لغياب الدعم الحقيقي والفاعل لتوجهاتهم داخل الطائفة السنية في بلادهم. لكن هذا أمر تداركه المقاومون أخيرا والحق يقال.. غير أنه جاء بعد فوات الأوان!

على سبيل المثال ما الذي يمنع تأطير كل المعارضين السنة للفتنة في تيار سياسي موحد وجامع في لبنان له ميزانية مناسبة ووسائل إعلام كافية لا تخضع لمزاج شيخ ضعيف الشخصية هنا أو حاج جاهل هناك؟

 هل تدار الحروب الإعلامية بتسليم المقدرات الإعلامية للأشخاص أم للمؤسسات؟

ولماذا لا تملك مؤسسات المقاومة الإعلامية مراكز بحث إعلامي؟

وهل التدريب المناسب ينحصر في تعليم الأداء الصوتي والظهور أمام الكاميرا؟ ومن المسؤول عن تغييب التدريب والتخطيط الإعلامي النفسي عن قنوات المقاومة؟

قنوات عديدة تمولها محاور المقاومة ولكنها بالفعل هامشية وغير فاعلة؟ فهل تبدل الفاشلون الذين خسروا الحرب الإعلامية بآخرين؟ أم أن الفاشل مؤبد في منصبه؟

مثال آخر:

يجمع المفتي محمد رشيد قباني بين المصداقية في الدفاع عن السنة (حتى في وجه حزب الله) والمنادة بالوحدة بين الطوائف، فلماذا يتركونه وحده في مواجهة الوحش السعودي المتبني لتيار المستقبل في موجهة قباني؟

لدينا هنا مؤسسة دينية سنية تحتاج للدعم وللقوة التي تحمي بها نفسها، فمن قدم لها القوة والدعم ولو سرا من طرف المقاومين؟ معلوماتي أن الكلام الكثير لا يوقف المد السعودي داخل دار الإفتاء اللبناني، والمفتي قباني أعلن مواقفا تجب كل ما قاله من قبل، وهو صاحب دور شديد الخطورة، سواء وقف مع الفتنة أو ضدها، فلماذا لا يحميه تيار المقاومين في لبنان والمنطقة؟ ولماذا لا يساعده ولا يقدم له الإمكانيات الضرورية التي يحتاجها؟!


البند الثالث في الإستراتيجية الأميركية

إن البند الثالث لشيطنة حزب الله وتمكين التيار الأردوغاني من الصعود هو اختراق ساحتنا بالأداة الأخطر في الحروب الناعمة، وهي عملية تشكيل العقل الجمعي للأمة بما يناسب الهدف طويل الأمد للأميركييين والإسرائيليين.

كيف يشكلون وعينا؟!

 إنهم بكل بساطة يستكملون دوائر الشيطنة:

أولا: شيطنة نموذج المقاومة عند العرب وعموم المسلمين.

ثانيا: شيطنة المقاومة عند حاضنتها الشعبية.

ثالثا: استيلاد تيار شعبي ليأخذ مكان المنافس أو البديل لتيار المقاومة شعبيا من خلال خلايا الثلج الأميركية .

الإستراتيجية الأميركية تخترق التيار الشعبي من خلال الإعلام، ومن خلال الإغراءات أيضا، ولكن هناك العمل الفردي الذي يجند (كما حبة الثلج) محيطه المباشر، فيعمق الأفكار المناهضة للمقاومة من خلال الزعم بتنبني فكر المقاومة، ومن ثم تتكاثر خلايا الثلج حول الشخص المجند المرتبط بالأميركيين والممول والموجه منهم. أما الأدوات فهي الكلام المباشر (من الفم إلى الأذن) والمدونات والكتابة والإشهار الشخصي وتحويل المجندين العاملين لحساب الأميركيين إلى أبطال في عيون شبابنا.

مثال: لاحقوا الناشطين المفترض أنهم ليسوا بعيدين عن دعم المقاومة، أولئك الذين يفتعلون بلا سبب مناسبات نضالية سخيفة وأسبابها تافهة، ولكنك ستجد تفاعلا إعلاميا معهم من كل الأطراف. وستجد شغفا شبابيا بهم، صفاتهم واضحة، يتحدثون بألسنتنا إلى أن يصبحوا رموزا شعبية، وعندها تجمع الإستراتيجية الأميركية هؤلاء ليتكتلوا في حزب، وحينها سترون حركة السادس من إبريل اللبنانية، والتي سبق وجمعت في مصر آلاف الناشطين المرتبطين بالأميركيين فكوّنوا حزبا هو الثاني في الحجم بعد الإخوان المسلمين (ثلاثة أرباع المليون عدد مناصري الحركة في مصر).

ومن أخطر بنود الإستراتيجية الأميركية:

تفاصل دقيقة ويومية تتكامل فقراتها بين الإعلام والإشاعة والكتاب وخطب الشيوخ والنشر الالكتروني، ومن أمثلتها تلك المزاعم التي باتت تملأ الدنيا العربية والإسلامية من قبيل: الشيعة أخطر من اليهود ويريدون تدمير الإسلام!! ورغم سخافة هذه المقولة، ولان الفضائيات الدينية ترددها دائما ومن دون أي إثبات، فقد أصبحت لازمة عقلية يصدقها مئات ملايين المسلمين حول العالم ولا عزاء للفاشلين إعلاميا.

وإليكم المثل الآتي: شن شيخ وهابي في مصر يدعى السرجاني حملة كلفته ملايين الدولارات تحت عناوين فهم التاريخ، وحين تقرأ ما نشره ترى فيه تزويرا للتاريخ الجديد وكذبا وافتراءا من قبيل قوله أن حزب الله قاتل إسرائيل بالاتفاق معها، وهزمها بموافقتها، ليصبح في موضع البطل في عيون العرب فيتبعون الشيعة!!

جنون واستغباء.. ولكن ضخامة الحملة التي شنها السرجاني جعلته نجم العالم العربي، حتى أن قناة المستقبل الفضائية اعتمدته في ليال رمضانية خلال الأعوام السابقة كمتحدث ديني رئيسي في وقت السحر (ثم يسأل المقاومون انفسهم لماذا خسرنا قاعدتنا الشعبية وأنصارنا في الشارع السني؟!!).

أسطورة أخرى تروج لها الإستراتيجية الأميركية من خلال أدواتها الدينية، سواء الوهابية أو الطائفية:

حزب الله منع السنة من قتال إسرائيل حتى تبقى المقاومة مرتبطة حصريا به!!

جنون آخر وكذب وافتراء وتزوير للوقائع التي لم يمضي على حصولها وقت طويل.

في الوقائع الحالية يسيطر الجيش الحر وجبهة النصرة السورية وتيار المستقبل اللبناني والوهابيون اللبنانيون المسمون بالجهاديين على أهم محور للمقاومة في جنوب لبنان، وهو محور العرقوب. هذه المنطقة التي عرفت في السبعينيات بفتح لاند تعج بمقاتلي المعارضة السورية وبمرتزقة الناتو، ومع ذلك لم يطلق هؤلاء ولا وهابيو لبنان ولا جهاديو العرب طلقة واحدة على الجيش الصهيوني من تلك المنطقة، لا بل إنهم متحالفون مع القوات الصهيونية التي تحتل الجولان وتسمح لمقاتلين سوريين ولبنانيين بالانتقال من لبنان عبر شبعا إلى الجولان المحتل ومنه إلى الأراضي السورية المحررة لمهاجمة قرية الحضر الدرزية في القنيطرة!!

أمر آخر يكذب الأسطورة الأميركية التي تبناها طائفيون سنة ووهابيون عملاء:


سيطرت قوات الإخوان المسلمين اللبنانيين بين عامي 1985 و2000 على محاور قتالية شرق صيدا تواجه إسرائيل وعملائها في جزين، هل سمعتم يوما بقتال على تلك الجبهات؟ هل منع حزب الله السنة في الإخوان المسلمين (الجماعة الإسلامية) من إطلاق النيران على العملاء وعلى الإسرائيليين؟!

أساطير أسست لتحقق أمريكا أهدافها مجانا، وقد حصل ذلك بالفعل، والسبب لان فريق الأميركيين الإعلامي يقاتل في مواجهة مرمى شبه فارغ لا يحرسه المقاومون جيدا .

 عربي برس

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog

Hamas arrests two accused of firing rockets

April 4, 2013

Resisting Reistance

Published Thursday, April 4, 2013
Hamas, which governs in the Gaza strip, has arrested two hardline Islamists in connection with rocket attacks fired across the border, sources close to a Salafist group said Thursday.

The Hamas interior ministry, however, denied any arrests had been made for “resistance against the occupation.”

Hamas’s “internal security apparatus in the last two days arrested two mujahedeen. One was released after several hours. The other is still detained,” a Salafist source told AFP on condition of anonymity.
The source said it was part of a “campaign to pursue Salafists after the targeting of Israel with rockets.”

A Gaza-based Salafist group claimed firing rockets on Tuesday and Wednesday that landed in open fields, causing no damage or casualties. In response, Israel carried out two air strikes, also without causing harm.

Crossfire between Gaza and Israel began on Tuesday after the death of Maysara Abu Hamdiyeh, a Palestinian prisoner who died from cancer after allegedly being denied medical treatment in Israeli jails.

Protests and clashes have erupted in the West Bank as a response, and many cities observed a general strike Wednesday.

Two Palestinian teenagers were shot dead late Wednesday in one of the clashes by an Israeli army military post in Tulkarem.

The Islamist movement Hamas, which has ruled the Gaza Strip since 2007, has regularly cracked down on hardline Salafists in the territory, notably in 2009.

“Our security apparatus is part of the resistance and does not arrest anyone who resists the occupation. On the contrary, we encourage resistance,” Islam Shahwan, interior ministry spokesman, said.

The Mujahedeen Shura Council, meanwhile, urged “the rational-minded in Hamas to pressure its security to release Salafists” in a statement on Thursday.

In response to the rocket attacks Israel has tightened a maritime restriction barring Gaza fishermen from operating more than three nautical miles off the Mediterranean coast.

The already stringent limits were tightened from six miles on March 21 after Salafist militants fired two rockets at southern Israel as US President Barack Obama was visiting the country.

Israel also closed down Kerem Shalom, Gaza’s only goods crossing, and imposed tight restrictions on travel into and out of the territory via the northern Erez terminal which was limited to medical emergencies only.

A week later, the restrictions on the two crossings were lifted and Kerem Shalom and Erez began operating as normal.

But the fishing limitations were left in place, Palestinian officials said, with the Israeli army confirming it was a political decision taken after an uptick in rocket fire this week.
Last week, two Israeli rights groups Gisha and B’Tselem, demanded that Israel lift the fishing restrictions, saying the measure amounted to “collective punishment.”

(AFP, Al-Akhbar)

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!


April 4, 2013

The determining factor in Jewish politics which is causing all this turmoil is not internal to Israel . It is external to Israel . Israel is going through a great instability and a great existential crisis and insecurity for the reason that it is being for the first time threatened in its own existence by the Hizbullah of Lebanon who – not only defeated Israel twice- but has put all of the occupied territories within reach of the missiles of the Resistance . One cannot underestimate such thing . Due to this, Israel has become exposed as a vulnerable country , it has become the paper tiger that it really is . Now Israel cannot coexist with this image; for this reason, it has developed many strategies to deal with this fact . It is trying to acquire a “real identity”- that might be in this instance that of Apartheid- and to come up with a new image altogether which required to coordinate with certain Palestinian groups whose interests and motives and goals happened to intersect with Israel’s interests . Sectarianism is very useful and could help isolate the Resistance and protect Israel like nothing could protect it, and prevent the model of the Lebanese Resistance from pervading the whole Arab world . It is against the armed Resistance of Hizbullah and against Iran that both sectarian Arabs and Palestinians and anti Zionist Zionists have found a common ground.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

Photos and Video: activists execut the Emir of Qatar in Tulkarem, Hamas condemns

April 2, 2013

صور وفيديو : نشطاء يعدمون أمير قطر “الشيخ حمد بن خليفة آل ثاني” في طولكرم وحماس تدين

تاريخ النشر : 2013-04-02


River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

On the Land Day, the 2011 Nakba-Naksa Days and the war on the Armed Resistance

April 1, 2013

 Hassan Hijazi and Izat aziz Muswada and tens of thousands of Palestinians marched to Palestine on  2011 Nakba and Naksa days to confirm that Palestine must be the compass of the Arab Spring.


Izat aziz Muswada  joined thousands of others as they marched to the ceasefire line between Syria and occupied Gollan Hieghts, he crossed the mine fields on the cease fire line in Majdal Shams, he and his fellow demonstrators were warmly welcomed, and he quickly began plotting a way to return Jerusalem… the IOF arressted him on Huwara checkpoint near Nablis on his way towards Jerusalem, putting an end of his dream of reaching Jerusalem and praying in Alaqsa.  He was detained his for few days before being expelled back to Syria.

After three weeks, on Naksa day Izat decided to try again. Unfortunately, his dream of returning home ended quickly and violently.

Hassan Hijazi did it, he reached Yafa (Java) .

“I don’t want to go back to Syria,” Hijazi told the Jewish media, I want to stay here in my village, where my father and grandfather were born.”

“Syria is a good country for Palestinians and I don’t know what the Israeli government would do to us. I want to stay here and bring my family here” , he noted.

Hijazi said that despite US and Israeli allegations, the protest at the border was not organized by Syrian President Bashar Assad as an attempt to divert attention from the domestic crackdown against anti-regime protesters. 

When asked what he thought of President Assad, who has ordered a violent crackdown against anti-regime protesters, Hijazi said solemnly, He is a good president.”

On 16/05/2011, after the 2011 Nakba day, Ismail Haneyya, speaking at a ceremony after several Gaza fishermen received new boats, said that Palestinian and Arab blood that was spilt during Nakba marches suggests that Nakba is being marked with a new spirit, and that the Palestinians have begun to ”bury the Nakba” for good.

“Palestine will see a peaceful flood of people that will eliminate [Israel’s] arrogance”  he added
“Gaza has been under siege for the past four years, but on Nakba Day, [Israel] has been besieged from all sides.”


One month later the rotten Oslo Palestinian leadership in ramallah, the BDS, NGOs, and the Sectarian leadership in Gaza which was preparing to rent its guns to the so-called Arab Spring changed accused Syria and Iran for trying to turn the escalating internal protests against Israel at the expense of the Palestinians, exploiting the “popular protests” in the Arab world.

Consequently, the relatives of the Naksa day martyres attacked the PFLP-GC headquarters in the camp and burned a number of cars in front of the building, a clinic and a kindergarten.  They also attacked a senior PFLP-Habash operative named Maher al-Taher, blaiming PFLP-Habash for inciting the young men to go to the Golan Heights “to serve the political interests of others.

In shorts the above event paved the way for the ongoing Yarmouk Nakba, and cofirmed that the conspiracy Syria is nothing more than a conspiracy against the Palestinian people and their right of return on one hand, and the other hand, isolate Syria from the Palestinian cause on , by pulling the right of return card and the Syrian veto on any Arab conspiracy against Palestine.

Around two years ago,  Ismail Haneyya, claimed “On Nakba Day, [Israel] has been besieged from all sides.”

On this anniversary of Earth Day, Gaza is still under Siege, mainly, by the Iblis Botherhood ruling Cairo, Yarmouk camp is occupied, by the friends of Hamas,

and Syria continues to resist and defend Palestine and true Islam resistor, against Wahhabism /Brotherhood gangs, and their masters in the NL Aviv and Washington.

Land Day protest in Sakhnin, March 30, 2013.
Land Day: Arab48 raising Syrian Flag in Sakhnin, March 30, 2013
أهالي سخنين في فلسطين المحتلة : جزيرة برا برا.. الأرض السورية حرة

Syria will be the victorious and Palestine will never die


Palestinians Revive Land Day, Assert Adherence to Resistance

Local Editor
The Palestinian people are reviving on Saturday the 37th anniversary of the Land Day in and outside Palestine in massive rallies.

37 years have passed on the “Land Day” which Palestinians commemorate annually to reassure their ownership of Palestine. This day was founded in 1976, when the Israeli occupation decided to expropriate thousands of Palestinian lands, specifically in Galilee.

Palestinian demonstratorDespite the peacefulness of the demonstrations, the Israeli military’s response was violent and led to several deaths and injuries.
The Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement issued a statement, published by Paltoday, in which it stressed the importance of adhering to the land and sanctities, assuring that “defending them is a sacred duty which we derive from Islam.”
The Islamic Jihad added that “the choice of resistance and challenge is the only path for getting back our seized right.”

For its part, Hamas Movement stated that “the Palestinian people have the right to stay in their land and to get back all the lands occupied since 1948,” indicating that “occupation does not justify Zionist attempts to seize those lands, build settlements, and displace natives.”

Hamas added in a statement issued Saturday that “the public uprising of our people … on the 30th of March, 1976, assured their ultimate rejection to the Zionist plans to rob their lands and try to judaize them.”

“This occasion has formed a new stage in the confrontation of the Zionist enemy, which is public uprisings. From here, we stress the importance of armed resistance at this current phase, as well as the change of the balance of power in the conflict against the Zionist enemy,” the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement added.

In parallel, Fatah Movement considered “this occasion is considered to all the Palestinians, in Palestine and place of exile, a clash of cultural conflict, a conflict between the owners and defenders of the land… and the culture of extermination, expansion, and renouncement of other peoples’ rights, which the Zionist occupation symbolizes…”

Fatah added in a statement that “Land day is like an alarm to Israel’s policies which target land and people in order to achieve the settlement dream and the establishment of a Jewish state.”
“For us, this day will always symbolize the culture of steadfastness and victory,” it added.

Source: Agencies
30-03-2013 – 13:52 Last updated 30-03-2013 – 15:18

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!


March 22, 2013

By Daniel Mabsout,


  Israel is panicked by the Resistance of Syria and by the Resistance of the Syrian president and of the Syrian army and the Syrian people during two years of war where tens of thousands of criminal thugs and professional killers were sent to Syria with all kinds of weapons to destabilize Syria and defeat the country and depose Assad and take over the rule .As if it were… not enough to receive the deadly blow from the Lebanese Resistance in year 2000 and 2006 whereby the vulnerability of Israel was exposed after its soldiers fled the battlefield leaving their equipment behind, for Israel to receive another blow that revealed the power of Syria and the stability of Syria and the steadfastness of the Syrians and their president .The first blow from which Israel has not yet recovered required so many measures and conspiracies on behalf of the World Oder starting from the International Court and the Special Tribunal for Lebanon and not ending with the Arab Spring and the war declared on Syria .Now Israel -for whom war is like staying underwater without oxygen- has been defeated by the perseverance of Assad for two full years without giving in any concession as it has been defeated by the Lebanese Resistance under whose missiles the whole of the occupied territories now lies. There is no spot in Israel that cannot be reached by these missiles of the Lebanese Resistance as declared the leader of the Resistance. In front of all this vulnerability and uncertainty and inability to cope or to recover or to declare a new war or engage in a battle that will lift up the spirits comes Master Obama to lend a helping hand and to reassure the usurping state of the friendship and commitment and support of the dear ally and friend with all kinds of sweet talk about Israel’s right to exist and to continue to exist and to flourish and get the life it deserves and you name it as a democracy and a civilization and culture and more . All this sweet talk is supposed to be elevating and make Israelis forget the delicate situation they find themselves in and their constant need to be comforted by their allies and relatives to forget the enmity of the neighboring countries especially that some of them have become armed to the teeth.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

President Hugo Chavez: A 21st Century Renaissance Man

March 17, 2013



President Hugo Chavez was unique in multiple areas of political, social and economic life. He made significant contributions to the advancement of humanity. The depth, scope and popularity of his accomplishments mark President Chavez as the ‘Renaissance President of the 21st Century’.

chavez2Many writers have noted one or another of his historic contributions highlighting his anti-poverty legislation, his success in winning popular elections with resounding majorities and his promotion of universal free public education and health coverage for all Venezuelans.

In this essay we will highlight the unique world-historic contributions that President Chavez made in the spheres of political economy, ethics and international law and in redefining relations between political leaders and citizens. We shall start with his enduring contribution to the development of civic culture in Venezuela and beyond.

Hugo Chavez: The Great Teacher of Civic Values

From his first days in office, Chavez was engaged in transforming the constitutional order so that political leaders and institutions would be more responsive to the popular electorate. Through his speeches Chavez clearly and carefully informed the electorate of the measures and legislation to improve their livelihood. He invited comments and criticism – his style was to engage in constant dialogue, especially with the poor, the unemployed and the workers. Chavez was so successful in teaching civic responsibilities to the Venezuelan electorate that millions of citizens from the slums of Caracas rose up spontaneously to oust the US backed business-military junta which had kidnapped their president and closed the legislature. Within seventy-two hours – record time – the civic-minded citizens restored the democratic order and the rule of law in Venezuela , thoroughly rejecting the mass media’s defense of the coup-plotters and their brief authoritarian regime.

Chavez, as all great educators, learned from this democratic intervention of the mass of citizens, that democracy’s most effective defenders were to be found among the working people – and that its worst enemies were found in the business elites and military officials linked to Miami and Washington.

Chavez civic pedagogy emphasized the importance of the historical teachings and examples of founding fathers, like Simon Bolivar, in establishing a national and Latin American identity. His speeches raised the cultural level of millions of Venezuelans who had been raised in the alienating and servile culture of imperial Washington and the consumerist obsessions of Miami shopping malls.

Chavez succeeded in instilling a culture of solidarity and mutual support among the exploited, emphasizing ‘horizontal’ ties over vertical clientelistic dependency on the rich and powerful. His success in creating collective consciousness decisively shifted the balance of political power away from the wealthy rulers and corrupt political party and trade union leaders toward new socialist movements and class oriented trade unions. More than anything else Chavez’ political education of the popular majority regarding their social rights to free health care and higher education, living wages and full employment drew the hysterical ire of the wealthy Venezuelans and their undying hatred of a president who had created a sense of autonomy, dignity and ‘class empowerment’ through public education ending centuries of elite privilege and omnipotence.

Above all Chavez speeches, drawing as much from Bolivar as from Karl Marx, created a deep, generous sense of patriotism and nationalism and a profound rejection of a prostrate elite groveling before their Washington overlord, Wall Street bankers and oil company executives. Chavez’ anti-imperial speeches resonated because he spoke in the language of the people and expanded their national consciousness to identification with Latin America, especially Cuba ’s fight against imperial interventions and wars.

International Relations: The Chavez Doctrine

At the beginning of the previous decade, after 9/11/01, Washington declared a ‘War on Terror’. This was a public declaration of unilateral military intervention and wars against sovereign nations, movements and individuals deemed as adversaries, in violation of international law.

Almost all countries submitted to this flagrant violation of the Geneva Accords, except President Chavez, who made the most profound and simple refutation against Washington: ‘You don’t fight terrorism with state terrorism’. In his defense of the sovereignty of nations and international jurisprudence, Chavez underlined the importance of political and economic solutions to social problems and conflicts – repudiating the use of bombs, torture and mayhem. The Chavez Doctrine emphasized south-south trade and investments and diplomatic over military resolution of disputes. He upheld the Geneva Accords against colonial and imperial aggression while rejecting the imperial doctrine of ‘the war on terror’, defining western state terrorism as a pernicious equivalent to Al Qaeda terrorism.

Political Theory and Practice: The Grand Synthesizer

One of the most profound and influential aspects of Chavez’ legacy is his original synthesis of three grand strands of political thought: popular Christianity, Bolivarian nationalist and regional integration and Marxist political, social and economic thought. Chavez’ Christianity informed his deep belief in justice and the equality of people, as well as his generosity and forgiveness of adversaries even as they engaged in a violent coup, a crippling lockout, or openly collaborated and received financing from enemy intelligence agencies. Whereas anywhere else in the world, armed assaults against the state and coup d’états would result in long prison sentences or even executions, under Chavez most of his violent adversaries escaped prosecution and even rejoined their subversive organizations. Chavez
demonstrated a deep belief in redemption and forgiveness. Chavez’s Christianity informed his ‘option for the poor’, the depth and breadth of his commitment to eradicating poverty and his solidarity with the poor against the rich.

Chavez deep-seated aversion and effective opposition to US and European imperialism and brutal Israeli colonialism were profoundly rooted in his reading of the writings and history of Simon Bolivar, the founding father of the Venezuelan nation. Bolivarian ideas on national liberation long preceded any exposure to Marx, Lenin or more contemporary leftist writings on imperialism. His powerful and unwavering support for regional integration and internationalism was deeply influenced by Simon Bolivar’s proposed ‘United States of Latin America’ and his internationalist activity in support of anti-colonial movements.

Chavez’ incorporation of Marxist ideas into his world view was adapted to his longstanding popular Christian and Bolivarian internationalist philosophy. Chavez’ option for the poor was deepened by his recognition of the centrality of the class struggle and the reconstruction of the Bolivarian nation through the socialization of the ‘commanding heights of the economy’. The socialist conception of self-managed factories and popular empowerment via community councils was given moral legitimacy by Chavez’ Christian faith in an egalitarian moral order.

While Chavez was respectful and carefully listened to the views of visiting leftist academics and frequently praised their writings, many failed to recognize or, worse, deliberately ignored the President’s own more original synthesis of history, religion and Marxism. 
 Unfortunately, as is frequently the case, some leftist academics have, in their self-indulgent posturing, presumed to be Chavez’ ‘teacher’ and advisor on all matters of ‘Marxist theory’: This represents a style of leftist cultural colonialism, which snidely criticized Chavez for not following their ready-made prescriptions, published in their political literary journals in London, New York and Paris.

Fortunately, Chavez took what was useful from the overseas academics and NGO-funded political strategists while discarding ideas that failed to take account of the cultural-historical, class and rentier specificities of Venezuela .

Chavez has bequeathed to the intellectuals and activists of the world a method of thinking which is global and specific, historical and theoretical, material and ethical and which encompasses class analysis, democracy and a spiritual transcendence resonating with the great mass of humanity in a language every person can understand. Chavez’ philosophy and practice (more than any ‘discourse’ narrated by the social forum-hopping experts) demonstrated that the art of formulating complex ideas in simple language can move millions of people to ‘make history, and not only to study it’..

Toward Practical Alternatives to Neoliberalism and Imperialism

Perhaps Chavez greatest contribution in the contemporary period was to demonstrate, through practical measures and political initiatives, that many of the most challenging contemporary political and economic problems can be successfully resolved.

Radical Reform of a Rentier State

Nothing is more difficult than changing the social structure, institutions and attitudes of a rentier petro-state, with deeply entrenched clientelistic politics, endemic party-state corruption and a deeply-rooted mass psychology based on consumerism. Yet Chavez largely succeeded where other petro-regimes failed. The Chavez Administration first began with constitutional and institutional changes to create a new political framework; then he implemented social impact programs, which deepened political commitments among an active majority, which, in turn, bravely defended the regime from a violent US backed business-military coup d’état. Mass mobilization and popular support, in turn, radicalized the Chavez government and made way for a deeper socialization of the economy and the implementation of radical agrarian reform. The petrol industry was socialized; royalty and tax payments were raised to provide funds for massively expanded social expenditures benefiting the majority of Venezuelans.

Almost every day Chavez prepared clearly understandable educational speeches on social, ethical and political topics related to his regime’s redistributive policies by emphasizing social solidarity over individualistic acquisitive consumerism. Mass organizations and community and trade union movements flourished – a new social consciousness emerged ready and willing to advance social change and confront the wealthy and powerful. Chavez’ defeat of the US-backed coup and bosses’ lockout and his affirmation of the Bolivarian tradition and sovereign identity of Venezuela created a powerful nationalist consciousness which eroded the rentier mentality and strengthened the pursuit of a diversified ‘balanced economy’. This new political will and national productive consciousness was a great leap forward, even as the main features of a rentier-oil dependent economy persist. This extremely difficult transition has begun and is an ongoing process. Overseas leftist theorists, who criticize Venezuela (‘corruption’, ‘bureaucracy’) have profoundly ignored the enormous difficulties of transitioning from a rentier state to a socialized economy and the enormous progress achieved by Chavez.

Economic Crisis Without Capitalist Austerity

Throughout the crisis-wracked capitalist world, ruling labor, social democratic, liberal and conservative regimes have imposed regressive ‘austerity programs’ involving brutal reductions of social welfare, health and education expenditures and mass layoffs of workers and employees while handing our generous state subsidies and bailouts to failing banks and capitalist enterprises. Chanting their Thacherite slogan, ‘there is no alternative’, capitalist economists justify imposing the burden of ‘capitalist recovery’ onto the working class while allowing capital to recover its profits in order to invest.

Chavez’ policy was the direct opposite: In the midst of crisis, he retained all the social programs, rejected mass firings and increased social spending. The Venezuelan economy rode out of the worldwide crisis and recovered with a healthy 5.8% growth rate in 2012. In other words, Chavez demonstrated that mass impoverishment was a product of the specific capitalist ‘formula’ for recovery. He showed another, positive alternative approach to economic crisis, which taxed the rich, promoted public investments and maintained social expenditures.

Social Transformation in a ‘Globalized Economy’

Many commentators, left, right and center, have argued that the advent of a ‘globalized economy’ ruled out a radical social transformation. Yet Venezuela , which is profoundly globalized and integrated into the world market via trade and investments, has made major advances in social reform. What really matters in relation to a globalized economy is the nature of the political economic regime and its policies, which dictate how the gains and costs of international trade and investment are distributed. In a word, what is decisive is the ‘class character of the regime’ managing its place in the world economy. Chavez certainly did not ‘de-link’ from the world economy; rather he has re-linked Venezuela in a new way. He shifted Venezuelan trade and investment toward Latin America, Asia and the Middle East – especially to countries which do not intervene or impose reactionary conditions on economic transactions.

Anti-Imperialism in a Time of an Imperialist Offensive

In a time of a virulent US—EU imperialist offensive involving ‘pre-emptive’ military invasions, mercenary interventions, torture, assassinations and drone warfare in Iraq, Mali, Syria, Yemen, Libya, and Afghanistan and brutal economic sanctions and sabotage against Iran; Israeli colonial expulsions of thousands of Palestinians financed by the US; US-backed military coups in Honduras and Paraguay and aborted revolutions via puppets in Egypt and Tunisia, President Chavez, alone, stood as the principled defender of anti-imperialist politics. Chavez deep commitment to anti-imperialism stands in marked contrast to the capitulation of Western self-styled ‘Marxist’ intellectuals who mouthed crude justifications for their support of NATO bombing Yugoslavia and Libya, the French invasion of Mali and the Saudi-French (‘Monarcho-Socialist’) funding and arming of Islamist mercenaries against Syria. These same London, New York and Paris-based ‘intellectuals’ who patronized Chavez as a mere ‘populist’ or ‘nationalist’ and claimed he should have listened to their lectures and read their books, had crassly capitulated under the pressure of the capitalist state and mass media into supporting ‘humanitarian interventions’ (aka NATO bombing)… and justified their opportunism in the language of obscure leftists sects. Chavez confronted NATO pressures and threats, as well as the destabilizing subversion of his domestic opponents and courageously articulated the most profound and significant principles of 20th and 21st Marxism: the inviolate right to self-determination of oppressed nations and unconditional opposition to imperial wars. While Chavez spoke and acted in defense of anti-imperialist principles, many in the European and US left acquiesced in imperial wars: There were virtually no mass protests, the ‘anti-war’ movements were co-opted or moribund, the British ‘Socialist’ Workers Party defended the massive NATO bombing of Libya, the French ‘Socialists’ invaded Mali- with the support of the ‘Anti-Capitalist’ Party. Meanwhile, the ‘populist’ Chavez had articulated a far more profound and principled understanding of Marxist practice, certainly than his self-appointed overseas Marxist ‘tutors’.

No other political leader or for that matter, leftist academic, developed, deepened and extended the central tenets of anti-imperialist politics in the era of global imperialist warfare with greater acuity than Hugo Chavez.

Transition from a Failed Neo-Liberal to a Dynamic Welfare State

Chavez’ programmatic and comprehensive reconfiguration of Venezuela from a disastrous and failed neo-liberal regime to a dynamic welfare state stands as a landmark in 20th and 21st century political economy. Chavez’ successful reversal of neo-liberal institutions and policies, as well as his re-nationalization of the ‘commanding heights of the economy’ demolished the reigning neo-liberal dogma derived from the Thatcher-Reagan era enshrined in the slogan: ‘There is no alternative’ to brutal neo-liberal policies, or TINA.
Chavez rejected privatization – he re-nationalized key oil related industries, socialized hundreds of capitalist firms and carried out a vast agrarian reform program, including land distribution to 300,000 families. He encouraged trade union organizations and worker control of factories – even bucking public managers and even his own cabinet ministers. In Latin America , Chavez led the way in defining with greater depth and with more comprehensive social changes, the post neo-liberal era. Chavez envisioned the transition from neo-liberalism to a new socialized welfare state as an international process and provided financing and political support for new regional organizations like ALBA, PetroCaribe, and UNASUR. He rejected the idea of building a welfare state in one country and formulated a theory of post-neo-liberal transitions based on international solidarity. Chavez’ original ideas and policies regarding the post-neo-liberal transition escaped the armchair Marxists and the globetrotting Social Forum NGO pundits whose inconsequential ‘global alternatives’ succeeded primarily in securing imperial foundation funding.
Chavez demonstrated through theory and practice that neo-liberalism was indeed reversible – a major political breakthrough of the 21st century.

Beyond Social Liberalism: The Radical Definition of Post-Neo-Liberalism

The US-EU promoted neo-liberal regimes have collapsed under the weight of the deepest economic crisis since the Great Depression. Massive unemployment led to popular uprisings, new elections and the advent of center-left regimes in most of Latin America , which rejected or at least claimed to repudiate ‘neo-liberalism’. Most of these regimes promulgated legislation and executive directives to fund poverty programs, implement financial controls and make productive investments, while raising minimum wages and stimulating employment. However few lucrative enterprises were actually re-nationalized. Addressing inequalities and the concentration of wealth were not part of their agenda. They formulated their strategy of working with Wall Street investors, local agro-mineral exporters and co-opted trade unions.

Chavez posed a profoundly different alternative to this form of ‘post-neoliberalism’. He nationalized resource industries, excluded Wall Street speculators and limited the role of the agro-mineral elites. He posed a socialized welfare state as an alternative to the reigning social-liberal orthodoxy of the center-left regimes, even as he worked with these regimes in promoting Latin American integration and opposing US backed coups.
Chavez was both a leader defining a more socialized alternative to social liberation and the conscience pressuring his allies to advance further.

Socialism and Democracy

Chavez opened a new and extraordinarily original and complex path to socialism based on free elections, re-educating the military to uphold democratic and constitutional principals, and the development of mass and community media. He ended the capitalist mass media monopolies and strengthened civil society as a counter-weight to US-sponsored para-military and fifth column elites intent on destabilizing the democratic state.

No other democratic-socialist president had successfully resisted imperial destabilization campaigns – neither Jagan in Guyana , Manley in Jamaica , nor Allende in Chile . From the very outset Chavez saw the importance of creating a solid legal-political framework to facilitate executive leadership, promote popular civil society organizations and end US penetration of the state apparatus (military and police). Chavez implemented radical social impact programs that ensured the loyalty and active allegiance of popular majorities and weakened the economic levers of political power long held by the capitalist class. As a result Venezuela ’s political leaders, soldiers and officers loyal to its constitution and the popular masses crushed a bloody rightwing coup, a crippling bosses’ lockout and a US-financed referendum and proceeded to implement further radical socio-economic reforms in a prolonged process of cumulative socialization.

Chavez’s originality, in part the result of trial and error, was his ‘experimental method’: His profound understanding and response to popular attitudes and behavior was deeply rooted in Venezuela ’s history of racial and class in justice and popular rebelliousness. More than any previous socialist leader, Chavez traveled, spoke and listened to Venezuela ’s popular classes on questions of everyday life. His ‘method’ was to translate micro based knowledge into macro programed changes. In practice he was the anti-thesis of the overseas and local intellectual know-it-alls who literally spoke down to the people and who saw themselves as the ‘masters of the world’ …at least, in the micro-world of left academia, ingrown socialist conferences and self-centered monologues. The death of Hugo Chavez was profoundly mourned by millions in Venezuela and hundreds of million around the world because his transition to socialism was their path; he listened to their demands and he acted upon them effectively.

Social Democracy and National Security

Chavez was a socialist president for over 13 years in the face of large-scale, long-term violent opposition and financial sabotage from Washington , the local economic elite and mass media moguls. Chavez created the political consciousness that motivated millions of workers and secured the constitutional loyalty of the military to defeat a bloody US-backed business-military coup in 2002. Chavez tempered social changes in accordance with a realistic assessment of what the political and legal order could support. First and foremost, Chavez secured the loyalty of the military by ending US ‘advisory’ missions and overseas imperial indoctrination while substituting intensive courses on Venezuelan history, civic responsibility and the critical link between the popular classes and the military in a common national mission..

Chavez’ national security policies were based on democratic principles as well as a clear recognition of the serious threats to Venezuelan sovereignty. He successfully safeguarded both national security and the democratic rights and political freedoms of its citizens, a feat which has earned Venezuela the admiration and envy of constitutional lawyers and citizens of the US and the EU.

In stark contrast, US President Obama has assumed the power to assassinate US citizens based on secret information and without trial both in and out of the US . His Administration has murdered ‘targeted’ US citizens and their children, jailed others without trial and maintains secret ‘files’ on over 40 million Americans. Chavez never assumed those powers and never assassinated or tortured a single Venezuelan. In Venezuela , the dozen or so prisoners convicted of violent acts of subversion after open trials in Venezuelan courts, stand in sharp contrast to the tens of thousands of jailed and secretly framed Muslims and Latin American immigrants in the US . Chavez rejected state terror; while Obama has special assassination teams on the ground in over 70 countries. Obama supports arbitrary police invasions of ‘suspect’ homes and workplaces based on ‘secret evidence’ while. Chavez even tolerated the activities of known foreign (CIA)-funded opposition parties. In a word, Obama uses ‘national security’ to destroy democratic freedoms while Chavez upheld democratic freedoms and imposed constitutional limits on the national security apparatus.
Chavez sought peaceful diplomatic resolution of conflicts with hostile neighbors, such as Colombia which hosts seven US military bases – potential springboards for US intervention. On the other hand, Obama has engaged in open war with at least seven countries and has been pursuing covert hostile action against dozens of others.


Chavez’s legacy is multi-faceted. His contributions are original, theoretical and practical and universally relevant. He demonstrated in ‘theory and practice’ how a small country can defend itself against imperialism, maintain democratic principles and implement advanced social programs. His pursuit of regional integration and promotion of ethical standards in the governance of a nation – provide examples profoundly relevant in a capitalist world awash in corrupt politicians slashing living standards while enriching the plutocrats.

Chavez’ rejection of the Bush-Obama doctrine of using ‘state terror to fight terror’, his affirmation that the roots of violence are social in justice , economic pillage and political oppression and his belief that resolving these underlying issues is the road to peace, stands as the ethical-political guide for humanity’s survival.

Faced with a violent world of imperial counter-revolution, and resolved to stand with the oppressed of the world, Hugo Chavez enters world history as a complete political leader, with the stature of the most humane and multi-faceted leader of our epoch: the Renaissance figure for the 21st century.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

Protecting The Resistance

March 15, 2013

By Daniel Mabsout,


One has to trust the Resistance, the Resistance has fared well in every instance and has built this trust between the Resistance and the people and has acquired this credibility that is well invested . What is holding Lebanon and the whole Arab world together is the Resistance , it is the hope and the only reality one can invest in otherwise it is total chaos and total …surrender to the enemy and the end of the dream of independence of many people on earth .

This wise committed Resistance has achieved this great success due to its wisdom and commitment and has offered the most precious of sacrifices in terms of young men , young martyrs who offered their lives for the fire to keep burning and the cause to be kept alive and the land to be liberated . Every step has been studied carefully and every move has been weighed to reach this incomparable achievement that led to the defeat of the fifth army in strength world wide at the hands of a handful of committed freedom fighters with moderate weapons but who feared none but God.

Since then all the world has been rallying against the Resistance starting by the killing of Hariri and not ending with the Arab spring and the bloody events of Syria . The plots at bringing the Resistance to a sectarian confrontation have never stopped , because this is when the weapons -instead of being directed to the enemy- will be directed to Muslims and Arabs . Israel has everything to gain from this shift in the struggle whereby we will be busy killing each other instead of building our defenses to face Israel . This Resistance is more precious than the air we breath and shall be protected against any threat by awareness and wisdom it shall be protected and by sacrifice.
To be able to have kept Lebanon safe from the madness taking place in Syria and preventing the sectarian conflict prepared for Lebanon from setting everything afire is to the credit of Syria and Lebanon and is a proof of the victory of Syria over its ailment and of the ability to limit it .And it is as well a proof of the sanity and strength of the cause and it is also for the sake of Palestine because one wrong move and the whole thing can escalate into the unknown .
It is the duty of the Lebanese government to stop the thugs of the opposition from crossing borders according to the agreements that link Lebanon to Syria and Syrian authorities addressed the government and NOT the Resistance . The Resistance CANNOT BE DRAWN INTO A SECTARIAN FIGHT in Lebanon because this is what Israel wants.الخارجية_السورية_ضبط_ال%

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

Is Palestinian Solidarity An Occupied Zone ?

March 11, 2013

By Daniel Mabsout,


… The BDS was born in a hybrid womb that is not an Arab womb but an Israeli foreign womb after Sayyed Hassan Nasrullah celebrating the liberation of the South in year 2000 stood in Bint Jbeil in south Lebanon in the proximity of occupied Palestine and addressed the Palestinians thus offering them the victory over Israelis saying : “The people of Palestine, your way to Palestine and to liberty is the path of resistance and insurrection, which means a serious resistance and a real insurrection rather than the insurrection in the shadow of Oslo or in the service of the concessive negotiation in Stockholm. You should take the path of the insurrection and the resistance that only accept the perfect right – as Lebanon has done, whereby the whole Lebanese people refuse to keep a small part of their land occupied. Hence, we offer this noble Lebanese model to our people in Palestine.”
This happened in Year 2000 in the glorious victory over the Israelis after 18 years of occupation. Sayyed Hassan Nasrullah added addressing Palestinians :’To free your land, you don’t need tanks, a strategic balance, rockets, and cannons; you need to follow the way of the past self-sacrifice martyrs who disrupted and horrified the coercive Zionist entity. You, the oppressed, unarmed, and restricted Palestinians, can force the Zionist invaders to return to the places they came from. Let the Falasha go to Ethiopia, and let the Russian Jews return to Russia. The choice is yours, and the model lies right in front of your eyes. An honest and serious resistance can make the freedom dawn arise. Our brothers and beloved Palestinians, I tell you: “Israel”, which owns nuclear weapons and the strongest war aircraft in the region, is feebler than a spider’s web – I swear to God”
Two years after this fiery speech was born the Boycott movement in the West Bank where the whole achievement of the Lebanese Resistance was overlooked and their addressing on behalf of Sayyed Hassan totally ignored and his invitation to copy the successful model of the Resistance totally discarded . The answer to Sayyed Hassan invitation was the Boycott movement whereby, instead of turning to Lebanon and getting inspired from the Lebanese victory , the Boycott turned to South Africa to copy the anti Apartheid model replacing the real with the unreal and the resistance by surrender, If this is not an Israeli scheme then what is it?
***the whole speech of Sayyid Hassan in English

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!